New plugin for EMMETI Mirai SMi heat pumps

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New plugin for EMMETI Mirai SMi heat pumps

Post by psubiaco »

I've just published a plugin to interface (by RS485/Modbus) EMMETI MIRAI SMI heat pumps, so now it's quite easy to:
* monitor main parameters
* control heat pump, for example to optimize the self-consumption (if you have photovoltaic on the roof) by modulating the compressor frequency (power usage), outlet temperature and hot water setpoint.

Check the plugin page at
domoticz-emmeti-mirai-screenshot.png (148.67 KiB) Viewed 2327 times
I want to thanks:
* Patrick Hamers that give me the idea to write the plugin, starting from his recent plugin for SPRSUN heat pump
* Domoticz developers, because I can say that developing a python plugin for Domoticz is really really easy (I tried in the past to develop a hardware integration for Home Assistant, but it's much much much more difficult and complicated with HA!).
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Re: New plugin for EMMETI Mirai SMi heat pumps

Post by psubiaco »

This is another screenshot of my roomplan with some controls of the Emmeti Mirai heat pump.
A LUA script sets the compressor level and outlet water temperature to maximize the own consumption: as the photovoltaic increases the generated power, the compressor level increases as like as the outlet temperature.
domoticz-emmeti-mirai-screenshot3.png (148.08 KiB) Viewed 2033 times
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