Mismatch in Hardware Nodes

Moderator: leecollings

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Mismatch in Hardware Nodes

Post by guenniac »

I'm now using domoticz for more than 4 years. From time to time hardware nodes get mixed up in the HW node list. They loose names, they loose manufacturer info and more. There are different scenarios. Please see attachment.

One example:
The status of node 0x42 (a door contact) is set to "dead", although the device works and the door state changes when opening/closing the door.

Other faulty nodes can be seen in the overview.

I'm nearly giving up domoticz since this behavior arises from time to time. It always costs a lot of work to get everything back in order.

I have recently upgraded from bullseye to bookworm and also domoticz to 2023.2.

I tried to start domoticz in debug mode but I don't get anything out of it.

Any ideas?


About Domoticz
Version: 2023.2
Build Hash: 19efd039c
Compile Date: 2023-07-21 17:23:44
dzVents Version: 3.1.8
Python Version: None

Uptime: 2 Hours, 8 Minutes, 30 Seconds

2023-11-05_16-10-HW-overview.png (135.2 KiB) Viewed 1217 times
Node 42 state open
2023-11-05_15-58-Device-Node42-open.png (12.18 KiB) Viewed 1217 times
Node 42 state closed
2023-11-05_15-57Device-Node42-closed.png (12.09 KiB) Viewed 1217 times
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Re: Mismatch in Hardware Nodes

Post by waltervl »

I don't know what your issue is but I have to warn you that 2023.2 is the last version that uses OpenZwave!

So please migrate to Zwave-JS-UI, the new way of using zwave devices in Domoticz. See wiki page for more information https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Zwave-JS-UI
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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