Issue with data from WGR800

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Re: Issue with data from WGR800

Post by hasselhoffer »

Hi @FireWizard,

You were right about wrong value in the interval length node.
I had changed one of the milliseconds to seconds and forgot to re-set it.
I also found out that I managed to add another string from the sensor input to the function node.

I have corrected these two errors. and Now I'm back with only 0;0.0

node 20231107_111.jpg
node 20231107_111.jpg (41.97 KiB) Viewed 1036 times
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Re: Issue with data from WGR800

Post by FireWizard »

Hello Markus, @hasselhoffer,
I had changed one of the milliseconds to seconds and forgot to re-set it.
I also found out that I managed to add another string from the sensor input to the function node.

I have corrected these two errors. and Now I'm back with only 0;0.0
That was my only possibility to create a NaN, so I thought that was the reason for it.

In one of my previous posts, I said also:
During my tests with the "Rain" sensor, I saw also some strange values. Not sure, what caused this, but as this is a cumulative counter, it might be caused by the values I sent.
I did some further research and search for similar forum topics.

I found the following topic from waaren (RIP):
The value shown on the title row of a rain device shows the latest send value minus the first value of today. So if you have send the same value it will show 0
The value will be reset to 0 at midnight.
The documentation, presented at: ... -domoticz/
states the following:
The rain sensor will show the amount of rain fallen in mm and a rate in mm/h. You can send:

{"command":"udevice", "idx":1234, "svalue":"rt;fl"}

where rt is the rate in mm/h fl is amount of rain fallen. PLEASE NOTE that fl is cumulative, so if the value is 3 mm and you send 2 mm, it will be 5 mm.
This note may confuse you, as you would expect, in order to show the Total Rain Counter as being 5 mm for today, you should send the delta. So you might think that you should sent 2 (mm). That is wrong. Your Rain Counter may send anything, but as soon as a new value is received, Domoticz takes care of the difference between those two and will show it in the title bar. So we have to correct this, as I earlier assumed also, that I have to send the delta.

I also found in a post:
If you use MQTT to update the Domoticz Rain device you have to send the TOTAL counter and not the delta's
This confirms my previous opinion.

So if your RAIN shows 1035.4, just send it. If it receives in a next post 1037.8, it will show that value, but because the counter is reset to 0 at midnight, the next value (of the next day), you will send e.g. 1039.9, the device will show 2.1 mm.

However the disadvantage is that, if you e.g. start your device at a certain time a value of 1037.8 is shown and a very high bar in the log graph is shown.
We should solve that in Node-RED.

I also found another post from @waltervl at viewtopic.php?p=302322&hilit=Rain+sensor#p302322, telling:
The counter is a total counter (like your electricity counter) so you have to send the total mm of rain measured from installing the rain meter. Example:
100000 - 1000 mm rain measured until now
100000 - no rain
100100 -- 1 mm rain has fallen
100100 -- no rain
101000 -- 9 mm rain has fallen.
101000 -- no rain
Also @waltervl confirms my conclusion, however I do not support his multiplication of 100 for the Total Rain Counter.

Some pictures:

Screenshot_Rain_debug.png (38.93 KiB) Viewed 1022 times

The first Debug Node shows what your Rain Sensor delivered, RAIN is 1005 mm. The last value of the previous day has been 1003 mm.

The Rain widget:

Screenshot_Rain_widget_1day.png (35.08 KiB) Viewed 1022 times
So the difference between 1005 and 1003 is 2 mm and that is exactly what is indicated in the widget.

The rain rate is calculated as follows.

You can see in debug 203, that the interval between sending 1003 and 1005 has been 63430803 milliseconds. (I skipped the values after the decimal point.) 63430803 milliseconds equals to approx. 63430 seconds and that divided by 3600 gives us approx. 17.62 hours. Which is correct.
The rain rate is 2 mm divided by 17.62 hr. 0.11 mm/hr. This is also the value indicated in the widget.
So far so good, but to get that, I had to multiply this rain rate with 100. See the result of debug node 201 for svalue.

This is also confirmed in the WIKI. See: ... L%27s#Rain


So I modified the "Function" node again and I introduced an "offset" in order to avoid a very high value on the first day of operation.
I believe that not every rain sensor has the capabilities of resetting its value to 0.
So in line 3 you have to set the received value from the rain sensor, just before you send the message for the first time to Domoticz.


Code: Select all

const idx = 27;
let bat;
const offset = 1005; // Insert your RAINCOUNTER value, just before you connect to your Domoticz for the first time.

if (typeof flow.get("rainvalue") == "undefined" || typeof flow.get("rainvalue") != "number" || isNaN(flow.get("rainvalue"))) {
    flow.set ("rainvalue", (msg.payload.RAIN - offset));
} else {
    let rate = ((msg.payload.RAIN - offset) - flow.get("rainvalue")) / (msg.interval / 360000000);
    flow.set ("rainvalue", (msg.payload.RAIN - offset));
    if (msg.payload.BAT === "OK") {
    bat = 100
    } else if (msg.payload.BAT === "LOW") {
    bat = 10

    msg.payload = {"command": "udevice", "idx": idx, "svalue": rate.toFixed().toString() + ";" + (msg.payload.RAIN - offset).toFixed(1).toString(), "Battery" : bat};
    return msg;
The complete Node RED flow for the "Function" node, see below:

Code: Select all

        "id": "b9a92466bc45cba4",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "d4b35d52470a739f",
        "name": "To Domoticz",
        "func": "const idx = 27;\nlet bat;\nconst offset = 1005; // Insert your RAINCOUNTER value, just before you connect to your Domoticz for the first time.\n\n\n\nif (typeof flow.get(\"rainvalue\") == \"undefined\" || typeof flow.get(\"rainvalue\") != \"number\" || isNaN(flow.get(\"rainvalue\"))) {\n    flow.set (\"rainvalue\", (msg.payload.RAIN - offset));\n} else {\n    let rate = ((msg.payload.RAIN - offset) - flow.get(\"rainvalue\")) / (msg.interval / 360000000);\n    flow.set (\"rainvalue\", (msg.payload.RAIN - offset));\n    \n    if (msg.payload.BAT === \"OK\") {\n    bat = 100\n    } else if (msg.payload.BAT === \"LOW\") {\n    bat = 10\n    }\n\n    msg.payload = {\"command\": \"udevice\", \"idx\": idx, \"svalue\": rate.toFixed().toString() + \";\" + (msg.payload.RAIN - offset).toFixed(1).toString(), \"Battery\" : bat};\n    \n    return msg;\n}",
        "outputs": 1,
        "timeout": 0,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "",
        "finalize": "",
        "libs": [],
        "x": 650,
        "y": 360,
        "wires": [
Test it during some days and let me know.

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