LilyGo or other e-paper display with domoticz. Experience?

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LilyGo or other e-paper display with domoticz. Experience?

Post by willemd »

Elsewhere I came across references to LiLyGo e-paper display with ESP32. Any here with experience integrating that with domoticz?

I would be interested in setting up such a display for showing domoticz/dashticz or custom made (python) data and graphs.

The display would have to be stand-alone in my living rome, displaying data from my raspberry pi with domoticz that is in the attic connected to my heating system and connected wifi to my router.

Best route to follow?


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Re: LilyGo or other e-paper display with domoticz. Experience?

Post by waltervl »

Check the Domoticz home book with an example viewtopic.php?p=276229&hilit=Paper#p276229

And project viewtopic.php?t=27129
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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