Longfonds and alarmeringen call incorrect get function/command

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Longfonds and alarmeringen call incorrect get function/command

Post by zwartje »

When -according to the docs- setting up alarmeringen and luchtkwaliteit for Delft the actual get command as seen by my browser includes the url for the dashticz instance (as if pre-pended to the actual call)
(I know I am not using https internally, thats for another day)

PS: did a git pull yesterday so I think I am on the latest and greatest :)

Code: Select all

scheme	http
filename 	/0https://alarmeringen.nl/feeds/city/delft.rss
Result: get ... /delft.rss

Relevant config from my custom.js:
Spoiler: show
var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';

blocks['alarmmeldingen'] = {
rss: 'https://alarmeringen.nl/feeds/city/delft.rss',
filter: 'Delft', //filter the messages for your town and if you want the cities around you
show_lastupdate: true,
width: 12,
refresh: 300, //refresh rate in seconds
results: 5 //number of recent results to show
blocks['longfonds'] = {
title: 'Luchtkwaliteit',
zipcode: '1234AB',
housenumber: '123',
switch: true,
width: 12,
// hier uiteraard even mijn echte zip/nr veranderd
columns[4] = {
blocks: ['log','alarmmeldingen','longfonds'],
width: 24
screens[6] = {}
screens[6]['background'] = 'bg0.jpg';
screens[6]['columns'] = [4];
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Re: Longfonds and alarmeringen call incorrect get function/command

Post by Lokonli »

Do you have a PHP or CORS related setting in CONFIG.js?

Remove it and try again.

Or: your php setup is incorrect.
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