For those who need it I wrote a python plugin for the HomeWizard Wi-Fi Energy Socket. You can get it over here on Github.
The plugin creates 3 devices:
- An energy meter for current power usage and total energy consumption.
- A switch to toggle the socket on and off.
- A wifi signal strength meter that shows the signal strength for the energy socket device.
Use this Domoticz wiki page for installation instructions.
HomeWizard Wi-Fi Energy Socket plugin
Moderator: leecollings
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Re: HomeWizard Wi-Fi Energy Socket plugin
@Eraser - Thanks a lot for making this plugin available.
I installed it and it works well with my HomeWizard Energy socket apart from one issue.
After a few days running correctly the plugin stops working for some reason.
When I restart the domoticz service the plugin also resumes working for a number of days until again it stops.
Any suggestion how to find out why this happens?
Is there a log that I could look at?
I installed it and it works well with my HomeWizard Energy socket apart from one issue.
After a few days running correctly the plugin stops working for some reason.
When I restart the domoticz service the plugin also resumes working for a number of days until again it stops.
Any suggestion how to find out why this happens?
Is there a log that I could look at?
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Re: HomeWizard Wi-Fi Energy Socket plugin
There is new firmware (4.08) for the Energy Socket, providing even more information, including voltage, which comes in handy if your energy meter (P1) doesn't support that and you want to monitor your solar panels during a sunny day, because when the voltage exceeds 253V, inverters will cut out. I have set the alarm to 250V.
/api/v1/data now gets you the following JSON data:
I have experimented with to create voltage, current and frequency devices. Voltage and current work, albeit rounded to an integer, could not get the float to work, somehow the decimal point gets lost in translation. But frequency isn't stable, it will eventually create a problem log that the device already exists in Domoticz (though it will keep measuring).
Code snippets with the changes:
Though I have been working in IT for decades, this is is my first attempt in writing Python code and modifying Domoticz plugins, so some things will be probably be sub-optimal.
After I have changed, I have deleted the Homewizard Energy Socket hardware in Domoticz, restarted Domoticz and subsequently added the hardware. It took a minute for the devices to appear but after that it was working flawlessly, I can now monitor the voltage.
/api/v1/data now gets you the following JSON data:
Code: Select all
"wifi_ssid": "[your SSID]",
"wifi_strength": 86,
"total_power_import_kwh": 62.714,
"total_power_import_t1_kwh": 62.714,
"total_power_export_kwh": 0,
"total_power_export_t1_kwh": 0,
"active_power_w": 0,
"active_power_l1_w": 0,
"active_voltage_v": 234.898,
"active_current_a": 0,
"active_frequency_hz": 50.016
Code snippets with the changes:
Code: Select all
#Homewizard Energy Socket variables
wifi_strength = -1 #: [Number] De sterkte van het Wi-Fi signaal in %
total_power_import_t1_kwh = -1 #: [Number] De stroomafname meterstand voor tarief 1 in kWh
total_power_export_t1_kwh = -1 #: [Number] De stroomteruglevering meterstand voor tarief 1 in kWh
active_power_w = -1 #: [Number] Het huidig gebruik van alle fases gecombineerd in Watt
active_power_l1_w = -1 #: [Number] Het huidig gebruik voor fase 1 in Watt (indien van toepassing)
active_voltage_v = -1 #: [Number] De huidige netspanning (alleen met firmware 4.08 of hoger)
active_current_a = -1 #: [Number] De huidige stroom (alleen met firmware 4.08 of hoger)
# active_frequency_hz = -1 #: [Number] De huidige netfrequentie (alleen met firmware 4.08 of hoger)
#Calculated variables
total_power = 0 #: Het totale gecombineerde vermogen.
import_active_power_w = 0 #: Het huidig vermogen wat momenteel van het net wordt geimporteerd.
export_active_power_w = 0 #: Het huidig vermogen wat momenteel naar het net wordt geexporteerd.
#Device ID's
active_power_id = 101
switch_id = 130
wifi_signal_id = 140
voltage_id = 150
current_id = 151
# frequency_id = 152
Code: Select all
def onMessage(self, Data, Status, Extra):
if ( Extra == "data" ):
Domoticz.Debug("Reading values from data")
self.wifi_strength = Data['wifi_strength']
self.total_power_import_t1_kwh = int(Data['total_power_import_t1_kwh'] * 1000)
self.total_power_export_t1_kwh = int(Data['total_power_export_t1_kwh'] * 1000)
self.active_power_w = int(Data['active_power_w'])
self.active_voltage_v = int(Data['active_voltage_v'])
self.active_current_a = int(Data['active_current_a'])
# self.active_frequency_hz = int(Data['active_frequency_hz'])
Code: Select all
if ( self.voltage_id not in Devices ):
Domoticz.Device(Name="Voltage", Unit=self.voltage_id, Type=243, Subtype=8).Create()
UpdateDevice(self.voltage_id, 0, numStr(self.active_voltage_v), True)
Domoticz.Error("Failed to update device id " + str(self.voltage_id))
if ( self.current_id not in Devices ):
Domoticz.Device(Name="Current", Unit=self.current_id, Type=243, Subtype=23).Create()
UpdateDevice(self.current_id, 0, numStr(self.active_current_a), True)
Domoticz.Error("Failed to update device id " + str(self.current_id))
# Dit werkt nog niet goed, er verschijnt een foutmelding Error: Energy Socket: Device creation failed, Hardware/Unit combination (8:153) already exists in Domoticz. Terwijl er geen ander device is met id 153.
# try:
# if ( self.active_frequency_hz not in Devices ):
# Domoticz.Device(Name="Frequency", Unit=self.frequency_id, Type=243, Subtype=31).Create()
# UpdateDevice(self.frequency_id, 0, numStr(self.active_frequency_hz), True)
# except:
# Domoticz.Error("Failed to update device id " + str(self.frequency_id))

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