Enphase error No Session-id - SOLVED

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Enphase error No Session-id - SOLVED

Post by bldewit »

Hi, I added the hardware and checked that i have access to the production.json page, all ok. In my log i keep getting the No Session_id error:
Zonnepanelen platdak: Invalid data received! (no session_id)

Also tried a reboot after allowing Basic-auth, no effect.

What could be wrong?

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Re: Enphase error No Session-id - SOLVED

Post by bldewit »

Solved. This is the error message you get when you do not have a valid token entered in the corresponding user variable.

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Re: Enphase error No Session-id - NO LONGER SOLVED

Post by bldewit »

So, since several days i keep getting this error message again. Checked token id, is ok. Deleted the hardware and added it again, checked token id, was empty, added the correct value. Still the same error! I am at a loss here, help!
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Re: Enphase error No Session-id - SOLVED

Post by gizmocuz »

Strange as the user variable is updated by the Enphase hardware class when it is received when you entered a valid username/password
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Re: Enphase error No Session-id - SOLVED

Post by bldewit »

User variable was not entered(/read) automatically. I am an owner, not an installer. I generated a new token, but it turned out to be the same as the old one. Removed hardware, added again, entered the token again, keep getting the same errors. So I thought maybe it skipped to another ip adress: Nope, still the same...
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Re: Enphase error No Session-id - NO LONGER SOLVED

Post by bldewit »

It just struck me that there is an API key in the Enphase app and that this key is not being used in the Hardware settings....
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Re: Enphase error No Session-id - SOLVED

Post by bldewit »

After some consideration I generated yet a new token today and entered it into the User variable. Now it is working again! Maybe, last time there were some characters left in the field when I pasted the new token? I don't know.

I assume that the User variable has to be the one with the same number as the hardware ID? (I have several User variables after some trial and error). Also, there is a _ex-variable too. What should be the value of that one?
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