It is a v2.3 Wemos wifi board from Nodo shop. The cause was a bad connection of fuse F1, after resoldering it worked again and for a short while (hours) my Domoticz devices received updates again.
Later they did not get updates and from checking the log I saw that messages in the format B…….. and T…….. are logged but nothing else. See screenshot below.
In otmonitor everything seems to be working fine.
See the other screenshot.
Things that I have tried so far that did not remedy the situation:
- Update the PIC firmware from 5.2 to 5.8
- Update Wemos firmware from 0.9.2 to 0.10.2
- Run otmonitor with relayserver to Domoticz
- Issue PS=1 commands from Domoticz and Otmonitor (no response/result?)
- Downgrade PIC firmware from 5.8 to 4.3
Things I still want to try
- Setup MQTT communication between otmonitor and domoticz (dont know how yet, not enough mqtt experience)
If you could offer advice that would be much appreciated!

Domoticz log

Otmonitor messages log