It reads the percentage, current power, update status and 3 different device states of the home battery and P1 meter dongle.
It calculates the total amount of delivered and stored kWh.
You can also follow the Tweakers forum.
For this script you have to use the following python3 libraries: requests, numpy, urllib3
Install them with:
sudo pip3 install requests
sudo pip3 install numpy
sudo pip3 install urllib3
Create Hardware
1: Type 'Dummy (Does nothing,use for virtual switches only)' and call it 'Sessy Home battery'
Create up to 20 sensors for each Sessy.
1: Sensor type 'Percentage' and call it 'Sessy battery percentage'
2: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Sessy battery power'
3: Sensor type 'Electric (Instant+Counter)' and call it 'Sessy Battery Energy Delivered' Go to Utility select the device and set 'type' to 'Return' and 'Energy read' to Computed
4: Sensor type 'Electric (Instant+Counter)' and call it 'Sessy Battery Energy Stored' Go to Utility select the device and set 'type' to 'Usage' and set 'Energy read' to Computed
5: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy battery state'
6: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy battery detailed state'
7: Sensor type 'Custom Sensor' and call it 'Mains frequency'
8: Sensor type 'Voltage' and call it 'Mains phase 1 voltage'
9: Sensor type 'Ampere (1 Phase)'and call it 'Mains phase 1 Current'
10: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Mains phase 1 power'
11: Sensor type 'Voltage' and call it 'Mains phase 2 voltage'
12: Sensor type 'Ampere (1 Phase)'and call it 'Mains phase 2 Current'
13: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Mains phase 2 power'
14: Sensor type 'Voltage' and call it 'Mains phase 3 voltage'
15: Sensor type 'Ampere (1 Phase)'and call it 'Mains phase 3 Current'
16: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Mains phase 3 power'
17: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy P1 meter state'
18: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy battery update state'
19: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy serial update state'
20: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'P1 meter update state'
If you use more than one sessy, you can also add these two sensors.
1: Sensor type 'Percentage' and call it 'Sessy average battery percentage'
2: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Sessy average battery power'
Note the IDX of the devices and put them in the script.
You also need the 'Web UI', Password and IP-addresses of the Sessy Home battery and Sessy P1 Meter.
If you use Epaper, then you also need the 'Epaper access point' address.
If you want to run the script with crontab?
Add the next line to crontab.
* * * * * ~/domoticz/scripts/python/sessy/
The program creates a PID file to prevent multiple instances of the program from running.
You can set the read interval of the battery and the P1 meter yourself.
Please feel free to add your own sensors and do not hestitate to ask your questions or problems here...
11-06-2023 V1.1.0: Made a few changes.
Added 15 more sensors.
Domoticz calculates the total amount of stored and delivered kWh.
The update status of the devices are shown.
Added 2 phases for a 3 phase mains system used.
12-12-2023 V1.5.0: Made a few changes.
You can now use more than 1 battery in this script.
If you use Debug = True, you can see if the data send to Domoticz is accepted or not.
05-02-2024 V2.0.0: Made a few changes.
Added a watchdog if the Url commands not respond anymore.
Added ability to use a 2.9" Epaper to see the current state of the battery.
The Epaper update is every 10 minutes.

Save the code as domoticz/scripts/python/
Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Python Program to read data from 1 or more sessy home batteries.
# Author: Minke Bergsma
# Version: 2.0.0
# The program creates a PID file to prevent multiple instances of the program from running.
# If you use 'Debug = True', you will see a green 'V' at the beginning of the line if Domoticz has accepted the sent data.
# Otherwise, you will see a red 'X' and you need to check your variables or a white '-' when the IDX = -1.
# To use it with Domoticz:
# Create Hardware
# 1: Type 'Dummy (Does nothing,use for virtual switches only)' and call it 'Sessy Home battery'
# Create these virtual sensors for each sessy battery
# 1: Sensor type 'Percentage' and call it 'Sessy battery percentage'
# 2: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Sessy battery power'
# 3: Sensor type 'Electric (Instant+Counter)' and call it 'Sessy Battery Energy Delivered' Go to Utility select the device and set 'type' to 'Return' and 'Energy read' to Computed
# 4: Sensor type 'Electric (Instant+Counter)' and call it 'Sessy Battery Energy Stored' Go to Utility select the device and set 'type' to 'Usage' and set 'Energy read' to Computed
# 5: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy battery state'
# 6: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy battery detailed state'
# 7: Sensor type 'Custom Sensor' and call it 'Mains frequency'
# 8: Sensor type 'Voltage' and call it 'Mains phase 1 voltage'
# 9: Sensor type 'Ampere (1 Phase)'and call it 'Mains phase 1 Current'
# 10: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Mains phase 1 power'
# 11: Sensor type 'Voltage' and call it 'Mains phase 2 voltage'
# 12: Sensor type 'Ampere (1 Phase)'and call it 'Mains phase 2 Current'
# 13: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Mains phase 2 power'
# 14: Sensor type 'Voltage' and call it 'Mains phase 3 voltage'
# 15: Sensor type 'Ampere (1 Phase)'and call it 'Mains phase 3 Current'
# 16: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Mains phase 3 power'
# 17: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy P1 meter state'
# 18: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy battery update state'
# 19: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'Sessy serial update state'
# 20: Sensor type 'Text' and call it 'P1 meter update state'
# If you use more than one sessy, you can also add these two sensors.
# 1: Sensor type 'Percentage' and call it 'Average battery percentage'
# 2: Sensor type 'Usage (Electric)' and call it 'Average battery power'
# Note the idx numbers of the of the devices and use them in the section 'devices IDX in Domoticz'.
# Running with crontab?
# Add the next line to crontab.
# * * * * * ~/domoticz/scripts/python/sessy/
import json
import os
import time
import datetime
import requests
import urllib.request
import numpy as sessy
from threading import Timer
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# Settings to be changed.
Debug = False
WatchdogTimeOut = 0.5 # Time in seconds before an Url call is timed out. If you get to many Watchdog timeouts, please set te timeout higher.
# Hostadresses and login data for Sessy P1 Meter and Sessy WiFi serial.
# Url Domoticz
DomoticzHost = '' # IP address and port number
# devices IDX in Domoticz (-1 is not used.)
# Array for singele battery
# BatteryArray = sessy.array([[BatteryPercentageIDX, BatteryPowerIDX, BatteryEnergyDeliveredIDX, BatteryEnergyStoredIDX, BatterySystemStateIDX, BatterySystemStateDetailsIDX, BatteryUpdateIDX, BatterySerialUpdateIDX]])
# Array for 2 or more batteries
# BatteryArray = sessy.array([[Battery1IPaddress, Battery1Username, Battery1Password, Battery1PercentageIDX, Battery1PowerIDX, Battery1EnergyDeliveredIDX, Battery1EnergyStoredIDX, Battery1SystemStateIDX, Battery1SystemStateDetailsIDX, Battery1UpdateIDX, Battery1SerialUpdateIDX],
# [Battery2IPaddress, Battery2Username, Battery2Password, Battery2PercentageIDX, Battery2PowerIDX, Battery2EnergyDeliveredIDX, Battery2EnergyStoredIDX, Battery2SystemStateIDX, Battery2SystemStateDetailsIDX, Battery2UpdateIDX, Battery2SerialUpdateIDX]])
BatteryArray = sessy.array([["", "AAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBB", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
["yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy", "CCCCCCCC", "DDDDDDDD", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]])
# Mains array. You should only use the data from the mains from the battery where your inverter is connected to.
# MainsArray = sessy.array([MainsFrequencyIDX, MainsPhase1VoltageIDX, MainsPhase1CurrentIDX, MainsPhase1PowerIDX, MainsPhase2VoltageIDX, MainsPhase2CurrentIDX, MainsPhase2PowerIDX, MainsPhase3VoltageIDX, MainsPhase3CurrentIDX, MainsPhase3PowerIDX])
MainsArray = sessy.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ,-1])
# P1 meter array
# P1Array = sessy.array([[P1Host, P1Username, P1Password, P1MeterStatusIDX, P1MeterUpdateIDX]])
P1Array = sessy.array(["zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz", "EEEEEEEE", "FFFFFFFF", -1, -1])
# The average battery percentage and power IDX in Domoticz.
AveragePercentageIDX = -1
AveragePowerIDX = -1
# Interval times to read the Battery data and the P1 meter data.
NumberOfBatteries = len(BatteryArray)
ReadInterval = 2
# If you want to use Epaper, set the variable UseEpaper to true.
UseEpaper = False
EpaperApIp = "" # ip address of your Epaper access point
# Array for a single EPaper.
# EPaperArray = sessy.array(['Battery name', 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM']) # MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM = Mac address of the Epaper. (16 characters)
# Array for 2 or more EPapers
# EPaperArray = sessy.array([['Battery name 1', 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM'], # MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM = Mac address of the Epaper. (16 characters)
# ['Battery name 2', 'NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN']]) # NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN = Mac address of the Epaper. (16 characters)
# Do not change anything beneath this point.
# Url combinations
SecundairyReadInterval = (ReadInterval * 10)
P1MeterReadInterval = (ReadInterval * 30)
UrlSessyP1 = 'http://'+ P1Array[1] + ':' + P1Array[2] + '@' + P1Array[0]
script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
pidfile = os.path.join("/tmp", os.path.splitext(script_name)[0]) + ".pid"
def create_pidfile():
if os.path.exists(pidfile):
with open(pidfile, "r") as _file:
last_pid = int(
# Checking if process is still running
last_process_cmdline = "/proc/%d/cmdline" % last_pid
if os.path.exists(last_process_cmdline):
with open(last_process_cmdline, "r") as _file:
cmdline =
if script_name in cmdline:
raise Exception("Script already running...")
with open(pidfile, "w") as _file:
pid = str(os.getpid())
def GetDataFromDevice(Url):
watchdog = Watchdog(WatchdogTimeOut)
response = requests.get(Url)
jsonData = json.loads(response.text)
return jsonData
except Watchdog:
def SendDataToDomoticz(IDX, Data, Show200 = True):
watchdog = Watchdog(WatchdogTimeOut)
if int(IDX) >= 0:
url = 'http://' + DomoticzHost + "/json.htm?type=command¶m=udevice&idx=" + str(IDX) + "&svalue=" + Data
r = requests.get(url)
if Show200:
if '[200]' in str(r):
except Watchdog:
def PrintToScreen (Data):
if Debug == True:
def UpdateEpaper (Mac, SessyName, Percentage, Status, Power):
FillColorStatus = 1
FillColorPercentage = 1
FillColorCharching = 2
dither = 0 # set dither to 1 is you're sending photos etc
Charching = 'Ontladen'
if Percentage < 11:
FillColorPercentage = 2
if Power < 0:
Charching = 'Opladen'
FillColorCharching = 1
# Power = Power * -1
if Status == 'kritieke fout':
FillColorStatus = 2
# Create a new paletted image with indexed colors
image ='P', (296, 128))
# Define the color palette (white, black, red)
palette = [
255, 255, 255, # white
0, 0, 0, # black
255, 0, 0 # red
# Assign the color palette to the image
# Initialize the drawing context
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Define the fonts and sizes
font_Text = ImageFont.truetype('/home/minke/domoticz/scripts/python/sessy/arial.ttf', size=21)
# Write the text on the image
draw.multiline_text((80, 10), SessyName, fill=1, font=font_Text, anchor=None, spacing=10, align='right')
draw.multiline_text((80, 35), 'Status: ' + Status, fill=FillColorStatus, font=font_Text, anchor=None, spacing=10, align='right')
draw.multiline_text((80, 100), 'Lading: ' + str(Percentage) + '%', fill=FillColorPercentage, font=font_Text, anchor=None, spacing=10, align='right')
if Power != 0:
font_Text = ImageFont.truetype('/home/minke/domoticz/scripts/python/sessy/arial.ttf', size=42)
draw.multiline_text((80, 56), Charching, fill=FillColorCharching, font=font_Text, anchor=None, spacing=10, align='right')
# Draw Battery
draw.rectangle([ 4, 15, 70, 123], fill=None, outline=1, width=7)
draw.rectangle([24, 4, 51, 18], fill=None, outline=1, width=4)
if Percentage != 0:
Ystart = int(111 - ((84 / 100) * Percentage))
draw.rectangle([16, Ystart, 58, 111], fill=FillColorPercentage, outline=FillColorPercentage, width=1)
# Convert the image to 24-bit RGB
rgb_image = image.convert('RGB')
# Save the image as JPEG with maximum quality
image_path = '/home/minke/domoticz/scripts/python/sessy/' + Mac + '.jpg', 'JPEG', quality="maximum")
# Prepare the HTTP POST request
url = "http://" + EpaperApIp + "/imgupload"
payload = {"dither": dither, "mac": Mac} # Additional POST parameter
files = {"file": open(image_path, "rb")} # File to be uploaded
# Send the HTTP POST request
watchdog = Watchdog(WatchdogTimeOut)
response =, data=payload, files=files)
# Check the response status
if response.status_code == 200:
except Watchdog:
def main():
OldSecond = -1
while True:
Second = time.localtime().tm_sec
Minute = time.localtime().tm_min
if (Second %ReadInterval == 0 or Second %SecundairyReadInterval == 0 or Second %P1MeterReadInterval == 0) and OldSecond != Second:
# Set variables
number = 0
AveragePercentage = 0
AveragePower = 0
OldSecond = Second
# Clear the screen
# Get the requested data from the sessy battery
# /api/v1/network/status
# /api/v1/ota/check
# /api/v1/ota/start
# /api/v1/ota/status
# /api/v1/power/setpoint
# /api/v1/power/status
# /api/v1/power/active_strategy
# /api/v1/system/settings
# /api/v1/system/info
# Get the requested data from the sessy P1 meter
# /api/v1/network/status
# /api/v1/ota/check
# /api/v1/ota/start
# /api/v1/ota/status
# /api/v1/p1/status
# /api/v1/system/info
PrintToScreen(" Minute = " + str(Minute))
PrintToScreen(" Second = " + str(Second))
# Secundairy data
PrintToScreen(" Number of batteries = " + str(NumberOfBatteries))
while number <= NumberOfBatteries - 1:
UrlBattery = 'http://'+ BatteryArray[number, 1] + ':' + BatteryArray[number, 2] + '@' + BatteryArray[number, 0]
if Second %ReadInterval == 0:
RecievedDataBattery = GetDataFromDevice(UrlBattery + '/api/v1/power/status')
StatusDataBattery = RecievedDataBattery['status']
PrintToScreen(" Data status battery " + str(number + 1) + " = " + StatusDataBattery)
if StatusDataBattery == 'ok':
# Get the battery percentage and send it to Domoticz
if int(BatteryArray[number,3]) > -1:
BatteryPercentage = str(round(RecievedDataBattery['sessy']['state_of_charge'] * 100))
AveragePercentage += int(BatteryPercentage)
PrintToScreen(" Battery percentage = " + BatteryPercentage + " %")
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,3], BatteryPercentage)
# Get the battery power and send it to Domoticz
if int(BatteryArray[number,4]) > -1:
BatteryPower = str(RecievedDataBattery['sessy']['power'])
AveragePower += int(BatteryPower)
PrintToScreen(" Battery power = " + BatteryPower + " W.")
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,4], BatteryPower)
if int(BatteryPower) > 0:
if int(BatteryArray[number,5]) > -1:
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,5], BatteryPower, False)
if int(BatteryArray[number,6]) > -1:
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,6], "0", False)
if int(BatteryArray[number,6]) > -1:
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,6], str(int(BatteryPower) * - 1), False)
if int(BatteryArray[number,5]) > -1:
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,5], "0", False)
# Secundairy data
if Second %SecundairyReadInterval == 0:
# Get the battery state and send it to Domoticz
if int(BatteryArray[number,7]) > -1:
BatteryState = str(RecievedDataBattery['sessy']['system_state'])
PrintToScreen(" Battery system state = " + BatteryState)
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,7], BatteryState)
# Get the battery detailed state and send it to Domoticz
if int(BatteryArray[number,8]) > -1:
BatteryStateDetails = str(RecievedDataBattery['sessy']['system_state_details'])
if BatteryStateDetails == "":
BatteryStateDetails = "All systems functioning within normal parameters"
PrintToScreen(" Battery detail state = " + BatteryStateDetails)
SendDataToDomoticz (BatteryArray[number,8], BatteryStateDetails)
if number == 0:
# Get the mains frequency and send it to Domoticz
if int(MainsArray[0]) > -1:
BatteryFrequency = str(RecievedDataBattery['sessy']['frequency'] / 1000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains frequency = " + BatteryFrequency + " Hz.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[0], BatteryFrequency)
# Get the mains phase 1 voltage
if int(MainsArray[1]) > -1:
MainsPhase1Voltage = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase1']['voltage_rms'] / 1000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 1 voltage = " + MainsPhase1Voltage + " V.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[1], MainsPhase1Voltage)
# Get the mains phase 1 current
if int(MainsArray[2]) > -1:
MainsPhase1Current = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase1']['current_rms'] / 1000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 1 current = " + MainsPhase1Current + " A.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[2], MainsPhase1Current)
# Get the mains phase 1 power
if int(MainsArray[3]) > -1:
MainsPhase1Power = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase1']['power'])
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 1 power = " + MainsPhase1Power + " W.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[3], MainsPhase1Power)
# Get the mains phase 2 voltage
if int(MainsArray[4]) > -1:
MainsPhase2Voltage = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase2']['voltage_rms'] / 2000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 2 voltage = " + MainsPhase2Voltage + " V.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[4], MainsPhase2Voltage)
# Get the mains phase 2 current
if int(MainsArray[5]) > -1:
MainsPhase2Current = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase2']['current_rms'] / 2000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 2 current = " + MainsPhase2Current + " A.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[5], MainsPhase2Current)
# Get the mains phase 2 power
if int(MainsArray[6]) > -1:
MainsPhase2Power = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase2']['power'])
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 2 power = " + MainsPhase2Power + " W.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[6], MainsPhase2Power)
# Get the mains phase 3 voltage
if int(MainsArray[7]) > -1:
MainsPhase3Voltage = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase3']['voltage_rms'] / 3000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 3 voltage = " + MainsPhase3Voltage + " V.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[7], MainsPhase3Voltage)
# Get the mains phase 3 current
if int(MainsArray[8]) > -1:
MainsPhase3Current = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase3']['current_rms'] / 3000)
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 3 current = " + MainsPhase3Current + " A.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[8], MainsPhase3Current)
# Get the mains phase 3 power
if int(MainsArray[9]) > -1:
MainsPhase3Power = str(RecievedDataBattery['renewable_energy_phase3']['power'])
PrintToScreen(" Mains phase 3 power = " + MainsPhase3Power + " W.")
SendDataToDomoticz (MainsArray[9], MainsPhase3Power)
# Update status
if Minute == 0 and Second == 0:
PrintToScreen(" Battery " + str(number + 1) + " update check = " + str(GetDataFromDevice(UrlBattery + '/api/v1/ota/check')['status']))
if Minute == 0 and Second == 30:
RecievedBatteryUpdate = GetDataFromDevice(UrlBattery + '/api/v1/ota/status')
StatusBatteryUpdate = RecievedDataBattery['status']
PrintToScreen(" Update status battery " + str(number + 1) + " = " + StatusBatteryUpdate)
if StatusBatteryUpdate == 'ok':
if int(BatteryArray[number,9]) > -1:
BatteryUpdate = str(RecievedBatteryUpdate['self']['state'])
BatteryUpdate = BatteryUpdate + " (V "+ str(RecievedBatteryUpdate['self']['available_firmware']['version'] + ")")
PrintToScreen(" Battery update status = " + BatteryUpdate)
SendDataToDomoticz (int(BatteryArray[number,9]), BatteryUpdate)
if int(BatteryArray[number,10]) > -1:
SerialUpdate = str(RecievedBatteryUpdate['serial']['state'])
SerialUpdate = SerialUpdate + " (V "+ str(RecievedBatteryUpdate['serial']['available_firmware']['version'] + ")")
PrintToScreen(" Serial update status = " + SerialUpdate)
SendDataToDomoticz (int(BatteryArray[number,10]), SerialUpdate)
if (Second == 0 and Minute %5 == 0) and UseEpaper == True and EPaperArray[number, 1] != '0':
# Send data to Epaper.
BatteryState = 'batterij leeg'
elif BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_BATTERY_FULL':
BatteryState = 'batterij vol'
elif BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_RUNNING_SAFE':
BatteryState = 'aktief'
elif BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_STANDBY' or BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_INIT' or BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_WAIT_FOR_PERIPHERALS' or BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_DISCONNECT' or BatteryState == 'SYSTEM_STATE_RECONNECT':
BatteryState = 'standby'
BatteryState = 'wacht op net'
BatteryState = 'aktiveren'
BatteryState = 'freq. stabil.'
BatteryState = 'kritieke fout'
PrintToScreen(' Update EPaper data')
UpdateEpaper (str(EPaperArray[number,1]), str(EPaperArray[number,0]), int(BatteryPercentage), BatteryState, int(BatteryPower))
number +=1
# P1 meter data
if Second %P1MeterReadInterval == 0:
RecievedDataP1Meter = GetDataFromDevice(UrlSessyP1 + '/api/v1/p1/status')
StatusDataP1Meter = RecievedDataP1Meter['status']
PrintToScreen(" Data status P1 meter = " + StatusDataP1Meter)
if int(P1Array[3]) > -1:
SessyP1MeterStatus = str(RecievedDataP1Meter['state'])
PrintToScreen(" P1 meter state = " + SessyP1MeterStatus)
SendDataToDomoticz (P1Array[3], SessyP1MeterStatus)
if Minute == 0 and Second == 0:
PrintToScreen(" P1 meter update check = " + str(GetDataFromDevice(UrlSessyP1 + '/api/v1/ota/check')['status']))
if Minute == 0 and Second == 30:
RecievedP1Update = GetDataFromDevice(UrlSessyP1 + '/api/v1/ota/status')
StatusP1Update = RecievedDataBattery['status']
PrintToScreen(" Update status P1 meter = " + StatusP1Update)
if StatusP1Update == 'ok':
if int(P1Array[4]) > -1:
P1MeterUpdate = str(RecievedP1Update['self']['state'])
P1MeterUpdate = P1MeterUpdate + " (V "+ str(RecievedP1Update['self']['available_firmware']['version'] + ")")
PrintToScreen(" P1 meter update status = " + P1MeterUpdate)
SendDataToDomoticz (P1Array[4], P1MeterUpdate)
# Calculate Averages
AveragePercentage = int(AveragePercentage // NumberOfBatteries)
PrintToScreen(" Average percentage = " + str(AveragePercentage) + " %")
SendDataToDomoticz (AveragePercentageIDX, str(AveragePercentage))
PrintToScreen(" Combined power = " + str(AveragePower) + " W.")
SendDataToDomoticz (AveragePowerIDX, str(AveragePower))
class Watchdog(Exception):
def __init__(self, timeout, userHandler=None): # timeout in seconds
self.timeout = timeout
self.handler = userHandler if userHandler is not None else self.defaultHandler
self.timer = Timer(self.timeout, self.handler)
def reset(self):
self.timer = Timer(self.timeout, self.handler)
def stop(self):
def defaultHandler(self):
raise self
if __name__ == "__main__":