Hi, not sure if this is the right place, but I'm using the current "native" plugin SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter and would like to have the Voltage readings also. They are there when I log into the webportal as you can see below. The SBFSpot plugin reads the value, but I don't want to have another DB running on my RPi.
Maybe it could be added in a new (Beta) release? I'm willing to test, I have 2 SMA inverters.
Thanks in advance!
SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
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- mvveelen
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SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
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Re: SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
I get "supply voltage" as well as "Frequency" etc etc from the plugin and a SB 5.0
Have you fully checked out your device list ?
edit: I just re-read and you don't use the SBFSpot DB. I've not used the standalone plugin.
Have you fully checked out your device list ?
edit: I just re-read and you don't use the SBFSpot DB. I've not used the standalone plugin.
Intel NUC with Ubuntu Server VM (Proxmox),mosquitto(docker),RFXtrx433E,zwavejsUI (docker),Zigbee2mqtt(docker),SMA Hub (docker),Harmony Hub plugin, Kodi plugin,Homebridge(docker)+Google Home,APC UPS,SMA Modbus,Mitsubishi MQTT, Broadlink,Dombus
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Re: SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
I received a modified plugin.py, modified this morning by a member of a Dutch forum which now gives me the voltage and AC.
Next challenge is to decide how to proceed, because I want to have everything combined in 1 overview, but with 2 PV installations it's difficult, because what voltage should I use? The highest of both? Does that even make sense? Or should I split it in 2 and do separate uploads to PVOutput.org whereas I would like to see the total of the 2 in 1 overview. What to do....
Next challenge is to decide how to proceed, because I want to have everything combined in 1 overview, but with 2 PV installations it's difficult, because what voltage should I use? The highest of both? Does that even make sense? Or should I split it in 2 and do separate uploads to PVOutput.org whereas I would like to see the total of the 2 in 1 overview. What to do....
RPi3b+/RFXCOM rfxtrx433E/Shelly/Xiaomi Gateway/Philips HUE Lights/Atag Zone One/2 SunnyBoy inverters/AirconWithMe/P1 smartmeter/Domoticz latest Beta
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Re: SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
I understand you use a Sunny boy and retreive the values in domoticz
could you tell me the way to do it ?
I have a sunny boy 3.0 and struggling to find out an easy way to get the current W produced
thanks !
I understand you use a Sunny boy and retreive the values in domoticz
could you tell me the way to do it ?
I have a sunny boy 3.0 and struggling to find out an easy way to get the current W produced
thanks !
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Re: SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
Have a look at nodered. If your inverter supports modbus then it is easy to read the power register and send it back to domoticz. Lots of examples. Eg https://flows.nodered.org/flow/cbf038ca ... 988757dfe9
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Re: SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
Did you succeed already (I just saw your question a minute ago....)
RPi3b+/RFXCOM rfxtrx433E/Shelly/Xiaomi Gateway/Philips HUE Lights/Atag Zone One/2 SunnyBoy inverters/AirconWithMe/P1 smartmeter/Domoticz latest Beta
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Re: SMA Sunny Boy Solar Inverter enhancement
Hi Mvveelen
sorry for my very late answer I was on trip and holidays
yes I finaly made it and it was quite simple
I just used the SMA sunny boy solar inverter plug in domoticz
just add the material in the list using your SMA IP + password and it generates 2 devices in domoticz which retrieves live the values from the SMa
my concern was probably a reboot needed, I updated everything and it went well
let me know if you need any help
sorry for my very late answer I was on trip and holidays

yes I finaly made it and it was quite simple
I just used the SMA sunny boy solar inverter plug in domoticz
just add the material in the list using your SMA IP + password and it generates 2 devices in domoticz which retrieves live the values from the SMa
my concern was probably a reboot needed, I updated everything and it went well
let me know if you need any help
domoticz on Raspberry Pi + RFXcom LAN moded + wifi
Blyss / DI.O / homemade / ESP / wemos
Blyss / DI.O / homemade / ESP / wemos
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