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View hourly logs from (P1) Gas meter on other days
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2023 21:08
by bertoost
Hi there,
I am wondering if it is possible to view hourly logs of days in a month. I can't find them.
At the logs index page, you can only view hourly statistics from the last 3 hours.
I can view monthly and days totals via the Report button, but I can't view the hours inside a day from the month.
Like to hear. Thanks!
Regards, Bert
Re: View hourly logs from (P1) Gas meter on other days
Posted: Monday 20 March 2023 9:42
by waltervl
No, in months only daily summary values are stored.
If you need hourly for long time then you need to export your data to something like influxDB and do your reporting there
Re: View hourly logs from (P1) Gas meter on other days
Posted: Monday 20 March 2023 9:45
by willemd
In the settings you can change the shortlog period to maximum 7 days (go to settings, then choose tab log history) but not more.
After the set period the shortlog values are discarded and you only have the daily history log.
If you want to keep the values for longer you either have to set up a Influx database (see wiki) or extract the values yourself before they are discarded and put them into a separate dbase.
Re: View hourly logs from (P1) Gas meter on other days
Posted: Monday 20 March 2023 10:49
by bertoost
Thanks both!
I have set the log history setting to 7 days..
Where can I review those days? I don't see a button, or does it take a while before it's visible? Since I just turned the setting on.
I will look into InfluxDb for longer periods. Many thanks!
Re: View hourly logs from (P1) Gas meter on other days
Posted: Monday 20 March 2023 11:02
by waltervl
You can view the 7-day data only in the short log/graphs. But it has to fill the coming days as you just increased the setting.
From the graphs you can also export it to excel: ... graph_data
Re: View hourly logs from (P1) Gas meter on other days
Posted: Monday 20 March 2023 12:40
by bertoost
Check! Thanks!