ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

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ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by sethwright »


I can't trigger a siren from Domoticz while using the ZW162. Anyone has a way to resolve the following?

Domoticz version: 2023_1 (build 15099)
ZW-JS-UI zwave-js-ui: 8_9_0_2d95700/zwave-js: 10_10_0

In ZW-JS-UI I've included Aeotec Siren 6 (ZW162) and shows 19 devices (change settings like volume and tone works):

In Domoticz the devices are automatically discovered and added as well. Unfortunately I can't switch any of the sirens, there is no switch that allows that (and switching one of the binary_sensor devices triggers and error that it isn't allowed). It looks exactly as described in topic ?p=293845#p293845.

Is there a way to resolve this to make it possible trigger the siren alarms from Domoticz switches?
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by jgdumont »

Somebody a solution for this? I have exact the same problem. After migrating from ozw to zwave-js-ui (a very, very difficult process) I don't have a siren switch any more.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

Have you already found a solution? I have exactly the same problem.

thanks in advance for your answer.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

Can you switch the siren in Zwave-JS-UI interface? If not then it is an issue in Zwave-JS-UI and you should ask there.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

yes it works there, that's no problem, I also see dimmers 1 to 8 in Domoticz, but I can't do anything with that (it doesn't do anything at all)
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

maybe a bit unclear but after adding the aeotec siren 6 I see dimmers for volume in domoticz in devices there are more things such as battery status but nothing else
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

I think you have to create an issue on github for missing devices for MQTT-Autodiscover to get your device supported correctly

Developers have created a script to gather information about a specific MQTT device. See github ... rt/mqtt_ad for more detailed instructions.

You have to supply a copy of all MQTT messages for a device used by MQTT Autodiscovery, you can follow the following steps:
  • check for mosquitto_sub installed. If not please install with sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
  • go to subdirecory domoticz/scripts/support/mqtt_ad
  • Run the script as shown in the examples on github with the appropriate parameters. This will capture all MQTT packages in scope of the defined parameters.
  • If the device is not discovered correctly in Domoticz please use the Rediscover Node button in Zwave-JS-UI to get all the MQTT info in the log.
  • Provide us with the mqtt_ad_record_NNN.log file containing all records.
  • Press Ctrl+c when you want to stop the capture process before the timer ends.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

Thank you for your detailed answer. I am in the middle of migrating from the "old" environment to the new docker structure. so that all devices are back as they were. Once I have completed that I will start collecting the information for this device.

thanks again for your answer.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

Hi, can you do something with this?

2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_1/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/1/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/1/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/1/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_1","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-1-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_2/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/2/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/2/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/2/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_2","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-2-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_3/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/3/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/3/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/3/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_3","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-3-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_4/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/4/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/4/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/4/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_4","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-4-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_5/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/5/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/5/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/5/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_5","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-5-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_6/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/6/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/6/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/6/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_6","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-6-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_7/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/7/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/7/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/7/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_7","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-7-volume"}
2023-09-20T09:34:19+0000 1 homeassistant/light/aeotec_sirene_6/volume_dimmer_8/config {"command_topic":"zwave/72/121/8/volume/set","brightness_command_topic":"zwave/72/121/8/volume/set","brightness_scale":100,"brightness_state_topic":"zwave/72/121/8/volume","brightness_value_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","on_command_type":"last","payload_off":0,"payload_on":25,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_node72"],"manufacturer":"Aeotec Ltd.","model":"Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164)","name":"aeotec sirene 6","sw_version":"1.7"},"name":"aeotec sirene 6_volume_dimmer_8","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xf4428f58_72-121-8-volume"}
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

I only see volume dimmer config, no switch on/off configurations.
Did you use the Rediscover Node button in Zwave-JS-UI?
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

waltervl wrote: Wednesday 20 September 2023 13:16 I only see volume dimmer config, no switch on/off configurations.
Did you use the Rediscover Node button in Zwave-JS-UI?
Yes I did that. I also deleted it completely and added it again. I see more than just the dimmer, but in fact no switch or something like that.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

What happens if you switch the siren on/off from Zwave-JS-UI? What mqtt messages are being created by Zwave-JS-UI?
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

waltervl wrote: Wednesday 20 September 2023 22:16 What happens if you switch the siren on/off from Zwave-JS-UI? What mqtt messages are being created by Zwave-JS-UI?
I don't think I was completely clear. there are no on/off buttons. I can play sounds in Zwave JS but there are no on/off buttons so no Binary switch that you can turn on/off
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

rapperobert wrote: Saturday 23 September 2023 9:49
waltervl wrote: Wednesday 20 September 2023 22:16 What happens if you switch the siren on/off from Zwave-JS-UI? What mqtt messages are being created by Zwave-JS-UI?
I don't think I was completely clear. there are no on/off buttons. I can play sounds in Zwave JS but there are no on/off buttons so no Binary switch that you can turn on/off

small update:
When I play the sound of option 1, the status in Domoticz goes on. So communication etc. is going well, only the on/off buttons of the 8 sounds are missing
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

If Zwave-JS-UI has no switch on/off then Domoticz also is not able to create a switch on/off. You have to discuss this on the Zwave-JS-UI or Zwave-JS GitHub repository.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

waltervl wrote: Saturday 23 September 2023 14:57 If Zwave-JS-UI has no switch on/off then Domoticz also is not able to create a switch on/off. You have to discuss this on the Zwave-JS-UI or Zwave-JS GitHub repository.

just a question, do you know a good siren that works like this with domoticz? I want to be able to choose multiple sounds depending on the type of alarm. If there is a water leak, I want a different alarm than if there is a fire or a burglary.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

You have to find a siren that is supported by Zwave-JS, they have a device database on their GitHub site.
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by waltervl »

I saw you made an issue on Domoticz and Zwave-JS GitHub.
Can you now switch the siren on from Zwave-JS-UI? First you wrote you could not do that. When this is possible then what are the mqtt messages when switching the siren on/off
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Re: ZW162 (Aeotec Siren 6) No siren switches Domoticz -> ZW-JS-UI

Post by rapperobert »

waltervl wrote: Sunday 01 October 2023 0:31 I saw you made an issue on Domoticz and Zwave-JS GitHub.
Can you now switch the siren on from Zwave-JS-UI? First you wrote you could not do that. When this is possible then what are the mqtt messages when switching the siren on/off
there is no real on off button that is where the confusion is.

If I select the tone for bell 1 in Zwave JS [75-121-1-toneId] Play Tone then the siren plays that sound.

the log from domoticz by play the sound in zwave js is

2023-10-01 08:54:51.116 zwaveNW: Light/Switch/Switch (sirene aeotec 6_siren_status_1)
2023-10-01 08:54:55.640 zwaveNW: Light/Switch/Switch (sirene aeotec 6_siren_status_1)

the mqtt code is

2023-10-01 06:47:07.318 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/lastActive: { time: 1696142827318, value: 1696142784240 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:07.369 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/121/1/toneId: {
time: 1696142827368,
value: 1,
nodeName: 'sirene aeotec 6',
nodeLocation: ''
} with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:07.567 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/lastActive: { time: 1696142827567, value: 1696142827365 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:13.854 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/lastActive: { time: 1696142833854, value: 1696142827365 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:13.883 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/121/1/toneId: {
time: 1696142833882,
value: 0,
nodeName: 'sirene aeotec 6',
nodeLocation: ''
} with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:14.105 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/lastActive: { time: 1696142834104, value: 1696142833879 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:14.385 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/lastActive: { time: 1696142834385, value: 1696142834385 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
2023-10-01 06:47:14.392 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwaveNW/sirene_aeotec_6/121/1/toneId: {
time: 1696142834390,
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