Smart Plug

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Smart Plug

Post by Docdigit »

[RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz]
I use to work with Fritzbox Dect200 to measure power consumption but as this hardware is almost sold out/hard to get, can anyone advise another brand/type that I can use in my network? Working with KlikAanKlikUit 433.92MHz and am really happy with that. Guess Zigbee is no option in this case.
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Re: Smart Plug

Post by waltervl »

Docdigit wrote: Wednesday 22 February 2023 20:14 Guess Zigbee is no option in this case.
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Re: Smart Plug

Post by Docdigit »

Because Zigbee uses 16 channels (from 11 to 26) in the 2.4 GHz, which is not 433.92MHz
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Re: Smart Plug

Post by waltervl »

Indeed zigbee is something completely different then RF 433.92
I do not think there are smart plugs RF 433.92 that can measure power consumption and report it back.

So for this you need Zigbee, Zwave or Wifi smart plugs. Wifi are cheapest but most difficult to integrate as every brand uses different protocols. I have no experience in this but people tend to flash those plugs with Tasmota or something.

Best price/quality would be Zigbee but then you need to buy a Zigbee USB stick. But with Zigbee2MQTT with MQTT AD or ZigbeeforDomoticz plugin you can buy nice plugs. See for a list of compatible plugs. Not all do power measurement by the way, so take a good look.

Zwave is also possible, should be better quality but also higher in price.
Last edited by waltervl on Thursday 23 February 2023 13:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smart Plug

Post by MikeF »

I have come across two companies selling wifi power monitoring smart plugs awhich have been preflashed with Tasmota, and which can therefore be easily configured for control by Domoticz:

Plugs come in a variety of formats (UK, EU, as well as US and Australian from Athom).

Because they have been preflashed, there is no need to be aware of manufacturer-specific protocols. They can be set up and configured using the standard Tasmota web UI. See

I have installed a power monitoring smart plug from Local Bytes, and created a number of devices in Domoticz: one switch device (for on / off), and three utility devices (electric - instant / counter, voltage, ampere - 1 phase).




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Re: Smart Plug

Post by BurningTyre »

MikeF wrote: Thursday 23 February 2023 13:16 I have come across two companies selling wifi power monitoring smart plugs awhich have been preflashed with Tasmota, and which can therefore be easily configured for control by Domoticz:

Plugs come in a variety of formats (UK, EU, as well as US and Australian from Athom).

Because they have been preflashed, there is no need to be aware of manufacturer-specific protocols. They can be set up and configured using the standard Tasmota web UI. See

I have installed a power monitoring smart plug from Local Bytes, and created a number of devices in Domoticz: one switch device (for on / off), and three utility devices (electric - instant / counter, voltage, ampere - 1 phase).




Thanks for the Athom tip. They work really well and are easy to setup.
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