You wrote:
I agree with partly and if you think that they are still working on the API, then it is with an extreme slow speed.I think Volvo is still working on the API. It seems to be very badly implemented. (it is also very recent that they gave this car API support)
The API itself is working, as far as the functionality is implemented. If it is implemented, then it works.
But the biggest issue is that they are very slow in adding new cars and even older cars.
I own a XC40 PHEV 2023 and until mid February this year the Energy API was supported and then suddenly this car was not supported.
But the "Connected" API and the "Location" API works without any issue, although all my lights indite "Unspecified".
And believe me, the car has lights

I saw it, and even think it is even more strange that that endpoint can respond with "None". Did you ever see a car, that has "None" as fuel?I already made a workaround for the bad response of the Recharge API (according to the API, this is not an electric car)
That might have been temporary, as I tested it and it did what I expected. The output from the API was according to their docsThe unlock gives an internal error on Volvo site. This is not something i can fix, but states something goes wrong on volvo side
It includesI analyze the other log above and it turns out the reply of the diagnostics call is not according to Volvo's own API documentation and also differs from other cars.
This is undocumented. I do not know which "other" car, you mean? (EX30?)washerFluidLevelWarning
is missing. Undocumented as well.serviceTrigger
Not climatization, but Lock/UnlockFor the climatization i added the unlock duration in the call. I don't think it will solve the issue, cause on my XC40 it works without, but docs now state this is mandatory, so you never no...
I think you need it, as it is also part of the API response (you get 2 minutes (maximum) to unlock the car).
Let's hope, but Volvo is not very quick an the biggest problem is that they do not communicate.We should await that volvo fixes these things...

So this is probably something that has been worked on recently.