Impossible to add DIO Chacon

433Mhz opensource Receiver & Transmitter.

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Impossible to add DIO Chacon

Post by Bertone »

Hello everyone,

Here is my problem, originally, I had an installation with 4 shutters with each a DIO Chacon 54754 module.
It worked for several years without any problem. One of my modules died and this model was no longer available, so I switched to its replacement, the 54854.
The only problem is that it is impossible to control this new module via Domoticz.
In automatic add mode, the signal is well received and the shutter is added correctly in the switches tab. When I try to command it via Domoticz, nothing happens, if I command it via the remote control that I "copied", it works and in Domoticz, I can see the change of state.
I tried to go through the manual addition in Domoticz but no matter what parameters I enter, it's impossible to pair it.
Does anyone have an idea and has anyone successfully paired this module?

Thanks for your feedback.
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Re: Impossible to add DIO Chacon

Post by Sebby »

Do you use a rfxcom. If yes, which is the installed version ? Mine is EXT/1025.
I just test on an old dio plug and i arrive to add by using the test button in the window 'Add Manuel'
RfxCom, Zwave.Me, 1wire, Teleinfo, Wifi, 2 Master/slave PI and ESP
* Lights :Shelly/Sonoff
* Door sensor/watering :433MHz
* Heating : Fibaro/Qubino
* Temperature DS18B20/Oregon
* Others : FGBS001/FGK10x

And mainly Domoticz to pilot all theses devices !
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Re: Impossible to add DIO Chacon

Post by Bertone »


No I use a RFLink with the last version.
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