setpoint control with HA Bridge and Alexa?

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setpoint control with HA Bridge and Alexa?

Post by renerene »

I use Alexa + HA-Bridge to control light and screens with "turn on" voice commands.
However, is it also possible to sent values?

"Alex, set thermostat to 18"?
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Re: setpoint control with HA Bridge and Alexa?

Post by firesfinx »

Yes that is possible. You can dim a light or send a value from 0 to 100 to a domoticz dimmer device. I use this for lights, volume and tv channels. In HA-bridge create a domoticz device and add the following to the Dim Items > Target Item field:
http://<IP DOMOTICZ>:<PORT DOMOTICZ>/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=<ID DIMMER&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=${intensity.percent}

For thermostats the domoticz device changes and so the command. In HA-bridge create a domoticz device and add the following to the Dim Items > Target Item field:
http://<IP DOMOTICZ>:<PORT DOMOTICZ>/json.htm?type=command&param=setsetpoint&idx=<ID TERMOSTAT>&setpoint=${intensity.percent}

Hope this helps
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Re: setpoint control with HA Bridge and Alexa?

Post by renerene »

firesfinx wrote: Tuesday 28 March 2023 17:21 Yes that is possible. You can dim a light or send a value from 0 to 100 to a domoticz dimmer device. I use this for lights, volume and tv channels. In HA-bridge ......

Hope this helps
Sorry, this does not help. It is only part of the solution. How to convert the voice commands from alexa into parameters?
As far as i know alexa can only handle on / off switches. It would be great if you could somehow convert the spoken number to a variable.
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Re: setpoint control with HA Bridge and Alexa?

Post by philchillbill »

With HA Bridge you only have access to Philips Hue light commands. So you can turn switches on and off and set dim levels, basically. Back when I used HA Bridge in 2016 I used to have switches called e.g. ‘set living room to 22’ and when I turned it on I used the script:// command in the switch to run a script that changed the thermostat. Worked fine for pre-meditated temps. Bit contrived for sure but if you really want to stick with HA Bridge then you could make it work.
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Re: setpoint control with HA Bridge and Alexa?

Post by renerene »

yes, i work with "turn thermostat 18 on" after naming devices Thermostat18 ...19,:etc in HAbridge
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