How to set a device on for 5 minutes and then off for 5 minutes

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Re: How to set a device on for 5 minutes and then off for 5 minutes

Post by Dave21w »

look at the topic I posted above, thats done in blockly and as soon as the virtual switch is off the toggled device switches off as well
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Re: How to set a device on for 5 minutes and then off for 5 minutes

Post by willemd »

hemant5400z wrote: Thursday 08 December 2022 14:54
waltervl wrote: Thursday 08 December 2022 14:23 Please post your working script else it will be difficult to advise.
on ={ timer = {'every 1 minutes',}

execute = function(dz,item)
if item.isTimer and dz.devices('Virtual').active then

Above is working and toggles on/off, what I want is a failsafe so if Virtual is Off, while the Sonoff is still on (triggered), it should go Off, currently it stays on infinite.

So indeed need an Else statement with: if item.isTimer and dz.devices('Virtual').active-not-active then

yes, the "else" part will be executed whenever item is not a timer (never happens in this script) or when the virtual device is inactive, or both.
By the way: I always find it much easier on the mind to use switchOn() and switchOff() instead of toggleSwitch().
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Re: How to set a device on for 5 minutes and then off for 5 minutes

Post by waltervl »

This will switch Sonoff on/off until switch Virtual is switched off. Then Sonoff will be switched off. The checkFirst is to prevent a switch log entry and other triggers every minute.

Code: Select all

on ={ timer = {'every 1 minutes',}

execute = function(dz,item)
  if dz.devices('Virtual').active then
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Re: How to set a device on for 5 minutes and then off for 5 minutes

Post by hemant5400z »

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