TT command override by thermostat, how to prevent? (SOLVED)

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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TT command override by thermostat, how to prevent? (SOLVED)

Post by willemd »

I am doing presence detection of our mobile phones and when nobody is at home, then the updateSetpoint(16) command is used to lower the room setpoint. This works fine.

However, unfortunately, the updateSetpoint command implemented in Domoticz uses the Opentherm TT command, so it is only a temporary override until the thermostat changes the room setpoint again. Therefore, I am also checking when the thermostat changes the setpoint (as result of the program in the thermostat) to a higher value and then I am re-issuing the updateSetpoint(16) command. This also works fine.

The problem now is that I see that the Central Heating active switch going to ON when the thermostat is trying to take back control, and it is staying ON for some time, despite the immediate reset of the room setpoint to 16 and despite the fact that the actual room temperature is far above 16.

I have tried to implement the TC command using the switch as explained in another post in this forum but this does not work for me. I only get the ERR message, like many others apparently. I have also tried the openURL command in DZvents and this also does not work.

Is there any way to prevent the central heating going to ON in this situation?

or better: Can we get a DZvents command that sends a TC instead of a TT command?
Last edited by willemd on Monday 14 November 2022 10:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TT command override by thermostat, how to prevent?

Post by willemd »

A follow-up on the above:

I finally found out why the json command was not working for me. I used the "room setpoint" idx instead of the idx of the "opentherm usb gateway" hardware as listed in the hardware section (menu: settings,hardware)

So the following command in Dzvents is doing what I requested above in my initial post:

Code: Select all

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