Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by Bospieper »

waltervl wrote: Thursday 04 January 2024 19:31
Bospieper wrote: Thursday 04 January 2024 19:28 @WalterVL
In several posts you mentioned the fact that you have delete your old OZW stuff. Is deleting in the hardware section of Domomticz sufficient or do we have more deleting/uninstalling to do?
Grz Piet
Deleting from the setup-hardware page should be enough. Only now Domoticz has already removed the OZW hardware this seems somewhat troublesome as mentioned by other users.
Yes I was one of the victims but as you mentioned several times before, we where warned that this should be happening.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by tjabas »

so i got a little bit further in the installation, i have all set up now, i struggled to fint the right usb port in the docker-compose.yml file but i think i got it right, is it the same usb port i should add in the zwave configuration in the JS UI control panel under settings?
i tried it and suddenly the JS-UI got a bit unresponsive and then all my nodes appeard in the menu, but there is something wrong because the only readable node was the aeotech gen5 usb stick, all the other nodes where not readable, and after about 20 seconds everything dissapeared and after another 20 seconds they where back, and so on, what can be wrong?

can the security key be wrong?
i wasnt really sure where i should put it in the JS UI config menu.

please help.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by tjabas »

waltervl wrote: Thursday 04 January 2024 19:26 You can use /dev/ttyACM0, no problem. Only when using multiple USB sticks it could lead to unwanted switching of names.
You have to find out why by-id is not working as i think it should work on bullseye.
i run buster and a usb hub where the aeotech gen5 z-wave stick is mounted, in JS UI i now get all nodes but there are no names or no hardware names at all, and after about 20 seconds they all dissapear and after about 20 sec again they all appear, could it be the usb hub that is switching between the usb devices i have attached to the hub?

i also wasnt clear where i should enter the security serial from my openzwave config. i noticed that there are 2 places in the zwave settings menu , but im unsure where i shuld enter the security serial.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by lost »

waltervl wrote: Thursday 04 January 2024 19:26 You can use /dev/ttyACM0, no problem. Only when using multiple USB sticks it could lead to unwanted switching of names.
That's not correct: Anything that is seen as a serial-usb interface may cause numbering change of /dev/ttyACMx or /dev/ttyUSBx devices at boot. Even during an uptime, if the device disconnects (unreliable device/cable, some energy saving done switching off USB power not disabled, user unplug/replug to associate a new device with these battery sticks...) it's number will increase at reconnect.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by tiga »

so in short: if you cant use /dev/serial/by-id you are screwed and cant use the zwave anymore??

mqtt and Zwavejs are not running after reboot for me as well....but that can be fixed i think?!

if zwave is so hard to use now i am afraid this will reduce the members using domoticz a lot!that is a pitty.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by boum »

so in short: if you cant use /dev/serial/by-id you are screwed and cant use the zwave anymore??
You can still use default devices names (could change if you plug something more and reboot) or use persistent usb devices,
if zwave is so hard to use now i am afraid this will reduce the members using domoticz a lot!that is a pitty.
Other solutions will move to zwave-js at some point too. homeassistant already did. they didn't deprecate openZwave but not sure how long they will support it.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by tiga »

ok thanks for the option Boum.

i will give it a try.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by gizmocuz »

Because of all the migration issues I added support for OpenZWave back in the latest beta version
I understand a notification 1 year ahead was too short.

Quite a few users have successfully migrated, and others have issues with some nodes in zwavejs-ui
It is a bit strange as HASS is also using zwavejs-ui

Hope all works! As this was a 6+ hour job!

And (as I am in the hoping mood), I hope that you will now test zwavejs-ui.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by HansF »

Thanks gizmocuz. Great respect for your knowledge and skills and the time and effort you put into Domoticz. For me and apparently many others, the migration is too complex at the moment.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by madpatrick »

gizmocuz wrote: Friday 05 January 2024 13:23 I understand a notification 1 year ahead was too short.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You have annouched clearly. So nothing to blame
gizmocuz wrote: Friday 05 January 2024 13:23 It is a bit strange as HASS is also using zwavejs-ui

And (as I am in the hoping mood), I hope that you will now test zwavejs-ui.
Spot on. If zwavejs-ui ois working for users o f Domoticz and HASS is standard using it, this should work.
We and also me must make the switch because it is next step.

Thanks for us dinosaurs giving us more time for making the switch.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by Michel13 »

Michel13 wrote: Thursday 04 January 2024 11:33 Hello,

I am trying to install ZWave-JS-UI on my RPI 3B following the wiki.
The problem starts with the installation of Docker-compose.
This process takes a huge time to complete (almost 1/2h !)
It looks like the installation is OK, but at the next step I have the following message :

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker compose up -d
-bash: docker : commande introuvable
I did that twice with same result.
Is there something wrong ? Any idea to solve it ?
Problem solved. It was the flash with Win32DiskImager which had put the mess so I was not able to write on the SD Card.
A new flash with Etcher and all was back to normal.

The installation of Zwave-JS-UI with the help of the wiki is not that simple. It was not clear to me how to configure ZWaveJS-UI. Then I spent a lot of time to find the proper Z-Wave serial port until I found the solution on an other thread : it was simply "/dev/zwave". If that could be added to the wiki, it will help others.

After having replaced the old devices by the new ones, all is working fine. Then I have removed the old Open Z-Wave and proceed with the update of Domoticz to 2024-1. Still OK.

However, my reboot test was not that good as all the Z-Wave devices were not working anymore. A restart of the containers was necessary.

To be sure that the containers are started at each reboot, I have add on each docker-compose

Code: Select all

restart: always
Unless I have missed something in the installation process, I wonder why the containers are not started with Domoticz :? .
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by gizmocuz »

@Michel13, in your docker files you should have

restart: unless-stopped

This means when you started the container with

docker compose up -d

it should start with the system
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by Michel13 »

thank you for your help.
It was there for zwave-js-ui (it is the copy of the wiki), but not in mosquitto. I think it could be helpfull to add something in the wiki.
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by gizmocuz »

You're right... I updated the wiki
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by akamming »

Why is mosquitto advised to implement in a docker container in the “easy” Implementation?

I installed with just “sudo apt install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients”. Seems much easier than docker…
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by tiga »

thanks gizmocuz!! for implementing it in the beta.you saved my ass!

now i will continue to migrate
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by gizmocuz »

akamming wrote: Saturday 06 January 2024 14:39 Why is mosquitto advised to implement in a docker container in the “easy” Implementation?

I installed with just “sudo apt install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients”. Seems much easier than docker…
Various reasons... If you are going to use docker anyway, it makes much more sense to use docker for other 'services' as well.
For instance, when can install mosquitto via docker compose and have it's data volume in this folder as well.
Then to make a backup you just make copy of this folder and done.

When you have about 10 services running (for example domoticz, zigbee, zwave, mosquitto, influx, grafana, nginx-proxy, ... ... ...) and you want to move to a new system, you just copy the folders, restore and done.

And the best thing, you do not pollute (if that is the right word?) your system... everything is installed as a separated instance/container
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by akamming »

I understand, bit it is more difficult and also updating your systeem is more difficult. A simple sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y won’t do the trick anymore… you have to upgrade each individual container as well

Anyway: not saying it is a bad idea, but since this thread is called the “easiest way to migrate” I Thought we can keep it simpler
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by Thermojito »

Even though I`m a Noob I truly think we are on the right way to make Zwave-JS-UI easy to use and migrate to when using Domoticz. We might still have a few things to optimize but we can do and maintain this together!

I managed to get the mosquitto service to auto-restart on reboot but have a few proposals for wiki update that would have helped me (as Im not that experienced in Linux/dockers but want to learn)


docker compose up -d

From the first section, no need to start and then stop before editing….? (And if you like me have started once and rebooted to see that it still works using docker ps you have nothing to stop…)

Clarify where and which file to modify and that sudo privilege is needed otherwise you will get ”write-protected”:

cd /opt/mosquitto
sudo nano docker-compose.yaml

Add text as decribed, then ctrl-x, y and enter to save the file (and yes any other editor can be used but its good to give one named alternative for us that is not so experienced…)

Then continue with the described:

docker compose up -d

Keep up the good work, Domoticz is a great piece of software!
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Re: Easiest way to migrate Openzwave to ZWave-JS-UI

Post by gizmocuz »

akamming wrote: Sunday 07 January 2024 13:49 I understand, bit it is more difficult and also updating your systeem is more difficult. A simple sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y won’t do the trick anymore… you have to upgrade each individual container as well

Anyway: not saying it is a bad idea, but since this thread is called the “easiest way to migrate” I Thought we can keep it simpler
Updating a docker (if necessary... ) can be done by the executing the following command in the dockers folder (which you can place in a file in your /sbin folder so you can use it whereever needed)

Code: Select all

docker compose pull && docker compose up --force-recreate --build -d && docker image prune -f
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