Can status times of switches be used in Blocky?

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Can status times of switches be used in Blocky?

Post by HoogendoornJH »

The on/off times of switches are being monitored (see picture below). Can these times and status be queried, stored in variables and be used in Blocky? And if so, how?

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Re: Can status times of switches be used in Blocky?

Post by boum »


Even in classic Lua scripting or dzVents, you'll only have access to lastUpdate. You have to query the database to go deeper.
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Re: Can status times of switches be used in Blocky?

Post by willemd »

I use DZvents and track the switch-on and switch-off times of switches in my boiler for hot water and central heating. In that way I am calcuating the total time hot water and/or central heating was used (with lastUpdate.secondsAgo). Those seconds are then used later to classify the gas usage into gas for hot water and gas for heating.

So, yes it is possible in DzVents. Just check lastUpdate.secondsAgo at the time of switch-off and you get the time since the previous switch-on.

If you want to add all those seconds together during a day or an hour for example, you can store the result of each lastUpdate.secondsAgo in persistent variables ( or you could use a separate device).

I am not sure how to do this in blockly or whether this is even possible.
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Re: Can status times of switches be used in Blocky?

Post by HoogendoornJH »

Thanks for your reply. I've been meaning to delve into LUA or dzVents for a long time, but unfortunately it hasn't happened so far.
Aeotec Z-wave Gen5, RFXtrx433xl, Philips Hue Bridge, Davies Weather Station, Honeywell HGI/S80, AurAir CO2
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