upgrade to OTGW version 5? possible? devices?

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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upgrade to OTGW version 5? possible? devices?

Post by willemd »

I currently have OTGW running with firmware version 4.3 on a Raspberry Pi 3B. My domoticz version is 2022.1.

It is not clear to me from the documentation whether I can upgrade to v5 firmware. I see conflicting messages at different places, but from the WIKI I conclude that Domoticz now supports version 5 (issue related to correct handling of the PS=1/0 command output solved). Correct?

I read in the forum it will give me additional data fields (if supported by the boiler), specifically DHW flow rate could be an interesting field.
Would domoticz automatically create those additional devices or would I have to do a re-installation of otgw hardware in domoticz?


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