Cant get MQTT output into domoticz Topic is solved
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Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Hi All,
i'm fiddling around with NodeRed, to get some API output into domoticz.
I think i've come some ways already.
I've been able to post an MQTT message in the right folder: And added the dummy to domoticz: However, the data isn't showing up.
Any thoughts?
i'm fiddling around with NodeRed, to get some API output into domoticz.
I think i've come some ways already.
I've been able to post an MQTT message in the right folder: And added the dummy to domoticz: However, the data isn't showing up.
Any thoughts?
- waltervl
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Do you have a MQTT Client gateway created that is listening to the broker? See wiki: ... Gateway.22
What does the Domoticz log file say? does it see an incoming message? ... Gateway.22
What does the Domoticz log file say? does it see an incoming message?
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
I think i did:
And i see the 'out' folder being filled nicely.
I see some stuff coming along from my earlier more difficult tries: So something is happening i'd think.
thought i'd try it out with a simple text. But no clue why nothing is coming along.
And i see the 'out' folder being filled nicely.
I see some stuff coming along from my earlier more difficult tries: So something is happening i'd think.
thought i'd try it out with a simple text. But no clue why nothing is coming along.
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Also; having to manually create devices and idx's isnt the most convenient...
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Trying this: ... value=text
i also get an error... No clue if this is correct though.
"status" : "ERR"
} ... value=text
i also get an error... No clue if this is correct though.
"status" : "ERR"
- waltervl
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Perhaps add nvalue=0 in url or "nvalue":0 in MQTT load.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Even deleted the MQTT hardware and re-added, but no luck
- FireWizard
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Could you please post your Node Red flow?
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Of course... Work in progress of course

Code: Select all
[{"id":"743a62898f598be4","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":"","env":[]},{"id":"aba1dab9e8709847","type":"http request","z":"743a62898f598be4","name":"Get Version","method":"GET","ret":"obj","paytoqs":"ignore","url":"","tls":"d141c56ce52dcd5d","persist":false,"proxy":"","insecureHTTPParser":false,"authType":"bearer","senderr":false,"headers":[],"x":610,"y":120,"wires":[["d58a15c4c09ebd12","9c0b16ffc945e95a","8690d30946cad6ca"]]},{"id":"d58a15c4c09ebd12","type":"debug","z":"743a62898f598be4","name":"debug 1","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":900,"y":100,"wires":[]},{"id":"9c0b16ffc945e95a","type":"debug","z":"743a62898f598be4","name":"debug 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}\n\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":1140,"y":420,"wires":[["27bcb8ebe2e66553","5569758a44d2d493"]]},{"id":"5569758a44d2d493","type":"debug","z":"743a62898f598be4","name":"debug 11","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1200,"y":500,"wires":[]},{"id":"1f4ca39d34a2136f","type":"debug","z":"743a62898f598be4","name":"debug 12","active":false,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1220,"y":320,"wires":[]},{"id":"d141c56ce52dcd5d","type":"tls-config","name":"TLS","cert":"","key":"","ca":"","certname":"","keyname":"","caname":"","servername":"","verifyservercert":false,"alpnprotocol":""},{"id":"92e5b2c.00a8b5","type":"mqtt-broker","name":"MQTT 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- FireWizard
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Hello @MikeyMan,
Thanks for posting your flow.
I will look at it later today or tomorrow.
But before that, can you confirm, as I saw some issues in your screenshots, the following:
1. Your Domoticz is running with IP address Running the default port 8080.
2. Your MQTT broker is using this IP address as well with the default port 1883. Is it Mosquitto? See screenshot 02 Sep 2022, 13:50
3. In Domoticz you created a "Text" device, with IDX 388.
You wrote:
You tried to send some data to Domoticz. From where? Browser or did you try Node Red?
At least there is one thing, that is incorrect.
See your screenshot of MQTT Explorer (Your post of 02 Sep 2022, 11:56 ).
The JSON object you published ( {"command":"udevice", "idx":388,"svalue":"test"} ) has been published to the wrong topic and so Domoticz will never be able to handle it correctly.
The topic should be: domoticz/in and not domoticz/in/Zonwering Balkonraam
Thanks for posting your flow.
I will look at it later today or tomorrow.
But before that, can you confirm, as I saw some issues in your screenshots, the following:
1. Your Domoticz is running with IP address Running the default port 8080.
2. Your MQTT broker is using this IP address as well with the default port 1883. Is it Mosquitto? See screenshot 02 Sep 2022, 13:50
3. In Domoticz you created a "Text" device, with IDX 388.
You wrote:
For now to start it is the best way to do it manually. Later on you may want to go to "auto detection".Also; having to manually create devices and idx's isnt the most convenient...
You tried to send some data to Domoticz. From where? Browser or did you try Node Red?
At least there is one thing, that is incorrect.
See your screenshot of MQTT Explorer (Your post of 02 Sep 2022, 11:56 ).
The JSON object you published ( {"command":"udevice", "idx":388,"svalue":"test"} ) has been published to the wrong topic and so Domoticz will never be able to handle it correctly.
The topic should be: domoticz/in and not domoticz/in/Zonwering Balkonraam
Last edited by FireWizard on Wednesday 12 April 2023 23:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Thanks for the hints. I thought that based on the topic, you could differentiate between the devices, same as domotic does on the out folder? Could be the wrong assumption of course 
Would make it easier to see what messages come in for which device?
As per your questions:
Domoticz is running on (Rpi)
NodeRed is running on
Mosquitto is running on
Edit:removed the topic, but no luck yet...

Would make it easier to see what messages come in for which device?
As per your questions:
Domoticz is running on (Rpi)
NodeRed is running on
Mosquitto is running on
Edit:removed the topic, but no luck yet...
- FireWizard
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Hello @MikeyMan,
You wrote:
In this case you can configure these with different topics, e.g. domoticz/in/topic1 and domoticz/in/topic2.
Disable domoticz/out on one of them.
However, I doubt, if you install many hardware devices of type "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface", that it will become easier/clearer.
Let's go to your flow.
I do not know your network setup, but I saw a few things that attracted my attention.
1. In the first HTTP Request node, you use IP address, while in the second you use Is that correct?
2. In the "Change" node, you use a JSONata expression in order to set the topic. As discussed earlier, in Domoticz the topic, that Domoticz subscribes to, has been set to domoticz/in. As said before you can define multiple hardware devices for MQTT, but this is currently not the case.
In my opinion you can remove the complete Change node. There is no need to delete msg.payload.creationTime .
3. In the "Function" node, you can remove "nvalue": 0, as there is no need for it. It does not harm either.
4. In the MQTT output node, insert the topic domoticz/in.
That should work for you.
I see also a number of things in your screenshot, posted 02 Sep 2022, 13:50
What is happening with the Shelly and Heishamon. There is one client that failed to start and to connect with the MQTT server at IP address
I see also that you did sent a lot of messages to domoticz/in, which Domoticz cannot understand. (Invalid/Unhandled data received!)
You cannot define your own payload for MQTT, but has to confirm to the Domoticz JSON format.
An example you can find at: ... -domoticz/ and at
Let me know.
You wrote:
It is possible to install more than one hardware device "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface".I thought that based on the topic, you could differentiate between the devices, same as domotic does on the out folder? Could be the wrong assumption of course
Would make it easier to see what messages come in for which device?
In this case you can configure these with different topics, e.g. domoticz/in/topic1 and domoticz/in/topic2.
Disable domoticz/out on one of them.
However, I doubt, if you install many hardware devices of type "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface", that it will become easier/clearer.
In this case your test of sending a message to Domoticz (see your post 02 Sep 2022, 14:24 ), ... value=text. is wrong and should be ... value=textDomoticz is running on (Rpi)
You should not remove the topic, but change the topic to "domoticz/in" (without quotes)Edit:removed the topic, but no luck yet...
Let's go to your flow.
I do not know your network setup, but I saw a few things that attracted my attention.
1. In the first HTTP Request node, you use IP address, while in the second you use Is that correct?
2. In the "Change" node, you use a JSONata expression in order to set the topic. As discussed earlier, in Domoticz the topic, that Domoticz subscribes to, has been set to domoticz/in. As said before you can define multiple hardware devices for MQTT, but this is currently not the case.
In my opinion you can remove the complete Change node. There is no need to delete msg.payload.creationTime .
3. In the "Function" node, you can remove "nvalue": 0, as there is no need for it. It does not harm either.
4. In the MQTT output node, insert the topic domoticz/in.
That should work for you.
I see also a number of things in your screenshot, posted 02 Sep 2022, 13:50
What is happening with the Shelly and Heishamon. There is one client that failed to start and to connect with the MQTT server at IP address
I see also that you did sent a lot of messages to domoticz/in, which Domoticz cannot understand. (Invalid/Unhandled data received!)
You cannot define your own payload for MQTT, but has to confirm to the Domoticz JSON format.
An example you can find at: ... -domoticz/ and at
Let me know.
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Thanks for the tips! I'm struggling a bit from my holiday address, but I'll get back asap.
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
I was hoping that the in-folder could work the same as the out folder. With a topic per device. But if that's not the case, we'll have to make it workFireWizard wrote: ↑Saturday 03 September 2022 21:40 Hello @MikeyMan,
You wrote:
It is possible to install more than one hardware device "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface".
In this case you can configure these with different topics, e.g. domoticz/in/topic1 and domoticz/in/topic2.
Disable domoticz/out on one of them.
Agree, probably not.
However, I doubt, if you install many hardware devices of type "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface", that it will become easier/clearer.
That was mighty stupid of me... I am doing too many things at the same time. Amongst others, I was trying to move my domoticz setup from pi to Nas, with master slave. That's why I messed up the IPs. My apologies.In this case your test of sending a message to Domoticz (see your post 02 Sep 2022, 14:24 ), ... value=text. is wrong and should be ... value=text
Although the good news is that the JSON itself was correct. And with the right op it's working now.
Did that now. However I can't seem to get mqtt working with port forwarding from my holiday address.You should not remove the topic, but change the topic to "domoticz/in" (without quotes)
Yes, I changed the IP address of the tahoma box.Let's go to your flow.
I do not know your network setup, but I saw a few things that attracted my attention.
1. In the first HTTP Request node, you use IP address, while in the second you use Is that correct?
Think youre right. I was trying to make the output more readable. Change node was the first thing I tried. But with the function node that's now obsolete.2. In the "Change" node, you use a JSONata expression in order to set the topic. As discussed earlier, in Domoticz the topic, that Domoticz subscribes to, has been set to domoticz/in. As said before you can define multiple hardware devices for MQTT, but this is currently not the case.
In my opinion you can remove the complete Change node. There is no need to delete msg.payload.creationTime .
Tried that on a suggestion earlier in this topic. I'll remove it again.3. In the "Function" node, you can remove "nvalue": 0, as there is no need for it. It does not harm either.
I'll fiddle around some more. Although without visibility on the mqtt server. Probably a bit in the blind.4. In the MQTT output node, insert the topic domoticz/in.
That should work for you.
Again, thans for your elaborate help, keep you postedI see also a number of things in your screenshot, posted 02 Sep 2022, 13:50
What is happening with the Shelly and Heishamon. There is one client that failed to start and to connect with the MQTT server at IP address
I see also that you did sent a lot of messages to domoticz/in, which Domoticz cannot understand. (Invalid/Unhandled data received!)
You cannot define your own payload for MQTT, but has to confirm to the Domoticz JSON format.
An example you can find at: ... -domoticz/ and at
Let me know.
- FireWizard
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Hi @MikeyMan,
Can you send a screenshot of the output of the Debug Node, called "debug 11", at least if you use the latest Node Red release (3.0.2).
This is the Debug Node, connected to the Function node, called "function 1".
Can you send a screenshot of the output of the Debug Node, called "debug 11", at least if you use the latest Node Red release (3.0.2).
This is the Debug Node, connected to the Function node, called "function 1".
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Here you go: Took removal of the time stamp out.FireWizard wrote: ↑Monday 05 September 2022 11:21 Hi @MikeyMan,
Can you send a screenshot of the output of the Debug Node, called "debug 11", at least if you use the latest Node Red release (3.0.2).
This is the Debug Node, connected to the Function node, called "function 1".
Writing value to text with JSON succeeded. Even remotely

Still no luck from nodered though.
Code: Select all
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
At this point of course frankly this has nothing to do with an api call, but just trying to get the simplest output into domoticz.
Tried an even simpler flow:
And this is working somehow.
Seems that the switch node is the culprit?
Tried an even simpler flow:
Code: Select all
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Seems that the switch node is the culprit?
- FireWizard
- Posts: 1765
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Hello @MikeyMan
In your post of 05 Sep 2022, 17:29, you wrote:
That should work and this text string has been sent by the MQTT output node of your Node Red flow.
So I do not understand
You wrote also:
Can you show the output of "debug 9"?
In your post of 05 Sep 2022, 17:29, you wrote:
As I see the output is correct and so should display the text "test" and "test 1" respectively, if at least the sensor with idx 388 is a "Text" sensor.Writing value to text with JSON succeeded. Even remotely
Still no luck from nodered though.
That should work and this text string has been sent by the MQTT output node of your Node Red flow.
So I do not understand
On 05 Sep 2022, 17:43 you wrote:Still no luck from nodered
Well does it work or not. You should see the text "test" and "test 1" The word "somehow" does not make it clearer.And this is working somehow.
You wrote also:
So it is time to look at the output of the API call.Seems that the switch node is the culprit?
Can you show the output of "debug 9"?
- Posts: 237
- Joined: Wednesday 17 October 2018 12:11
- Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Cant get MQTT output into domoticz
Thing is, when I enter the topic manually in the mqtt output node, it is working. When I replace the msg.topic in the change node, it doesn't. So might be I wasn't using that in the right way, although the output looked correct in mqtt explorer.FireWizard wrote: ↑Monday 05 September 2022 21:41 Hello @MikeyMan
In your post of 05 Sep 2022, 17:29, you wrote:
As I see the output is correct and so should display the text "test" and "test 1" respectively, if at least the sensor with idx 388 is a "Text" sensor.Writing value to text with JSON succeeded. Even remotely
Still no luck from nodered though.
That should work and this text string has been sent by the MQTT output node of your Node Red flow.
So I do not understandOn 05 Sep 2022, 17:43 you wrote:Still no luck from nodered
Well does it work or not. You should see the text "test" and "test 1" The word "somehow" does not make it clearer.And this is working somehow.
You wrote also:
So it is time to look at the output of the API call.Seems that the switch node is the culprit?
Can you show the output of "debug 9"?
Don't know what the difference between these two is. In the screenshot, the output of the debug node looks slightly different.
As you can see from the NodeRed JSON, I'm not really using the API call yet. That's the next step, now that output is showing up in domoticz

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