GPIO on a distant Rpi

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GPIO on a distant Rpi

Post by GBaud »

Hello to all,
My domoticz is running perfectly on a virtual machine of my server but I would like to know if it is possible to activate the GPIOs of a raspberry (that I would like to connect to a ralais plate).

I know the WiringPi software and how you can integrate buttons in Domoticz to control the GPIOs of the raspberry that carries it, but I have no idea how to control on an external RPI...

Here it is, if you have any ideas, thanks in advance!
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Re: GPIO on a distant Rpi

Post by homeJLB »

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Re: GPIO on a distant Rpi

Post by HvdW »

What about an ESP8266?
If it's just GPIO it'll do the job.
Bugs bug me.
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