Curtain switch timer reversed

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Curtain switch timer reversed

Post by Gianni »


I have a zwave curtain switch that's work like it should be.
In domoticz if i click open, the curtain open en vice versa.
If i run the json like http://xx.xx.xx.XX:8085/json.htm?type=c ... &passcode=
It open and close like i should be with close.

The problem is the timer
To open en close the curtain i need to reverse the command.
Off is open en ON is close???
so http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8085/json.htm?type=c ... &passcode=
opend the curtain en ON closed the curtain.

How can i fix this that the timer is also correct
I allready played with blind reversed and switch the rotation of the motor in the zwave settings
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Re: Curtain switch timer reversed

Post by waltervl »

On what version of domoticz are you running? There are currently a lot of changes in latest Beta versions with blinds....

Edit: see possible also related viewtopic.php?p=291834
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Re: Curtain switch timer reversed

Post by Gianni »

i'm running Version: 2022.1 (build 14453)

thx for the link but it's look a little different.
in the git they say that the mention open close not reflected to the real situation and the % not reading correct.
For me the status and buttons work like the use to be, but the timer is reversed :-)

Just test again and still the same but now i notice that full open is not full open,it stopped while the shutter is not full rolled up, i still see around 25 cm of the shutter while it stopped at full open :-)

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Re: Curtain switch timer reversed

Post by waltervl »

I think I have seen the issue before with timer reverse for blinds.

That it will not fully open while command open is given is strange.
Do you use Openzwave or Zwavejs2mqtt (with MQTT Autodiscover?)?
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Re: Curtain switch timer reversed

Post by Gianni »


I used the default openzwave.
I never tried zwavejs so i start reading about it for now :-)
I run domoticz in a docker environment on ubuntu so i can switch if i want.
I installed zwavejs2mqtt into another docker, and create a second domoticz docker environment?
Stopped the openzwave docker,connect zwavejs to my aeon stick and let them find the devices.
Started up de second docker add mqtt end restart the zwavejs docker.
All devices coming online but still the curtain switches are reversed.
In the zwavejs gui everything is correct.
In domoticz the state is correct if but the button are reversed,so open is close and closed is open :-)
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Re: Curtain switch timer reversed

Post by SkylarFox »

I've been thinking about installing curtains with a timer myself because it sounds super convenient. Having the curtains open and close automatically without remembering to do it manually every time would be awesome.

As for your issue, it sounds like the commands are reversed, causing some confusion. Have you tried adjusting the settings in your Zwave system? You mentioned playing around with the blind reversal and motor rotation settings, but maybe another setting needs tweaking to align the timer correctly.
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