Pizigate very slow reaction on zigbee devices and restarts
Posted: Thursday 12 May 2022 22:48
I have noticed that when switching zigbee devices (that are connected with my Pizigate) on and off through Domoticz that there is a delay in these devices responding and sometimes they are not responding at all. In these cases the zigate module seems to reboot. I have added some logs from Domoticz below.
Domoticz version: 2022.1 (build 14318)
Zigate plugin: 6.1.004
Firmware Zigate: 0321
Can someone maybe help me to figure out what is going wrong?....
Kind regards,
Mark Reijnders
Domoticz status log:
2022-05-12 22:45:29.113 Status: Zigate: Plugin Restart command : ... loglevel=7
2022-05-12 22:45:29.156 Status: Zigate: Stop directive received.
2022-05-12 22:45:29.190 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: ZiGateSerialListen Thread stop.
2022-05-12 22:45:29.190 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: thread_processing_and_sending Thread stop.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.284 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: writer_thread Thread stop.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Statistics on message
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: PDM load(s) : 0
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: ZiGate reacting time
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Average : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: ZiGate processing time on Rx
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Average : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Sent:
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX commands : 65
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max Load (Queue) : 11
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max aPDU (Queue) : 2
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max nPDU (Queue) : 1
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX failed : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX timeout : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX data timeout : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX reTransmit : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX APS Failure : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX APS Ack : 40 (61.54%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX APS Nck : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Received:
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX frame : 170
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX crc errors : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX lentgh errors : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX clusters : 45
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX clusters KO : 0
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Operating time : 0 Hours 14 Mins 41 Secs
2022-05-12 22:45:30.507 Status: Zigate: Exiting work loop.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Stopping threads.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Stopped.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Started.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Incoming connection from:
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Entering work loop.
2022-05-12 22:45:31.397 Status: Zigate: Initialized version 6.2, author 'pipiche38'
2022-05-12 22:45:31.410 Status: Zigate: enablegroupmanagement set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.410 Status: Zigate: PluginAnalytics set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.410 Status: Zigate: zigatePartOfGroup0000 set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: reenforceConfigureReporting set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: channel set to 20
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: filename set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Conf/PluginConf-06.json
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginHome set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: homedirectory set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginData set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Data/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginConfig set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Conf/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginOTAFirmware set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/OTAFirmware/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginReports set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Reports/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginWWW set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/www/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginLogs set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Logs/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugMatchId set to 2a38
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: logDeviceUpdate set to 0
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugInput set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugBasicOutput set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugWriteAttributes set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugReadAttributes set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugCluster set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugWidget set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugTuya set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.415 Status: Zigate: Please watch plugin log into /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Logs//PluginZigbee_06.log
2022-05-12 22:45:31.419 Status: Zigate: Zigate plugin stable6-6.1.004 started
2022-05-12 22:45:31.442 Status: Zigate: DeviceConf loaded - 23 confs loaded
2022-05-12 22:45:31.613 Status: Zigate: DeviceConf loaded - 334 confs loaded
2022-05-12 22:45:31.614 Status: Zigate: load ListOfDevice
2022-05-12 22:45:31.758 Status: Zigate: 21 Entries loaded from /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Data/DeviceList-6.txt
2022-05-12 22:45:31.765 Status: Zigate: Transport mode: PI
2022-05-12 22:45:31.807 Status: Zigate: Python version: ['3.7.3 (default, Jul 25 2020, 13:03:44) ', '[GCC 8.3.0]'] dist: ('debian', '10.8', '') linux_distribution: ('debian', '10.8', '') system: Linux machine: armv7l platform: Linux-5.10.63-v7l+-armv7l-with-debian-10.8 uname: uname_result(system='Linux', node='domoticz', release='5.10.63-v7l+', version='#1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:57 BST 2021', machine='armv7l', processor='') version: #1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:57 BST 2021 mac_ver: ('', ('', '', ''), '')
2022-05-12 22:45:32.516 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: Serial Connection open: Serial<id=0xae992310, open=True>(port='/dev/serial0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=None, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
2022-05-12 22:45:32.517 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: writer_thread Thread start.
2022-05-12 22:45:32.520 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: thread_processing_and_sending Thread start.
2022-05-12 22:45:32.523 Status: Zigate: Start Web Server connection
2022-05-12 22:45:32.530 Status: Zigate: Web backend for Web User Interface started on port: 9440
2022-05-12 22:45:41.173 Status: Zigate: ==> Transport Mode switch to full mode
2022-05-12 22:45:41.177 Status: Zigate: ZiGate Classic PDM (legacy)
2022-05-12 22:45:41.178 Status: Zigate: Installer Version Number: 0321
2022-05-12 22:45:41.178 Status: Zigate: Branch Version: ==> Production <==
2022-05-12 22:45:51.162 Status: Zigate: Zigbee Coordinator ieee: 00158d0003af5c82 , short addr: 0000
2022-05-12 22:45:51.162 Status: Zigate: Network state UP, PANID: fd33 extPANID: 0x1978e83c71d7f644 Channel: 20
2022-05-12 22:45:56.094 Status: Zigate: Request Disabling Accepting new Hardware
2022-05-12 22:46:01.073 Status: Zigate: Zigate set to Certification : 1/CE -> CE
2022-05-12 22:46:01.075 Status: Zigate: Start Group Management
2022-05-12 22:46:01.082 Status: Zigate: Plugin with Zigate, firmware 0321 correctly initialized
2022-05-12 22:46:04.653 Status: Zigate: Accepting new Hardware: Disable (Off)
2022-05-12 22:46:04.790 Status: Zigate: Number of devices recently active in Zigate = 9
2022-05-12 22:46:04.791 Status: Zigate: [00] DevID: 00 Network addr: bc6c IEEE: 842e14fffe8c68b0 LQI: 224 power: 00 Model: TRADFRI onoff switch ( switch-tv )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.792 Status: Zigate: [01] DevID: 28 Network addr: 6cb3 IEEE: b4e3f9fffea3f9b9 LQI: 111 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( stopcontact-badkamer )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.792 Status: Zigate: [02] DevID: 29 Network addr: 24a6 IEEE: bc33acfffe5f5fc2 LQI: 086 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( Outlet02 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.793 Status: Zigate: [03] DevID: 2a Network addr: 5cc2 IEEE: 842e14fffe4353d8 LQI: 122 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WW 806lm ( Lamp-Kamer-TV-806lm )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.794 Status: Zigate: [04] DevID: 2b Network addr: eb03 IEEE: 0c4314fffefda827 LQI: 066 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb GU10 WW 400lm ( Lamp-achter-03 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.794 Status: Zigate: [05] DevID: 2c Network addr: d496 IEEE: 50325ffffe261fab LQI: 087 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb GU10 WW 400lm ( Lamp-achter-02 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.795 Status: Zigate: [06] DevID: 2d Network addr: 9dfb IEEE: 842e14fffea71b7c LQI: 093 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WW 806lm ( Lamp-Kamer-Eettafel-806lm )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.796 Status: Zigate: [07] DevID: 2e Network addr: 8d11 IEEE: 842e14fffe5af61b LQI: 093 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( Outlet01 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.796 Status: Zigate: [08] DevID: 2f Network addr: d9b4 IEEE: bc33acfffe5f6318 LQI: 111 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( Stopkontact-Vloer )
Domoticz error log:
2022-05-12 20:24:31.096 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:19:08.127 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:23:15.128 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:25:09.275 Error: Zigate: check_frame_lenght
2022-05-12 21:25:09.278 Error: Zigate: on_message Frame error Crc/len bytearray(b"\x01\x81\xa8!\n\'\ngJ!\n\xa4\xa7\xa4\xa4$\n\xa4\xa4d\x0e \xa5\xa4%\x85\n\xa4\x88\x02\x8d\x11\xb6\x00\x01\x00\x03")
2022-05-12 21:35:12.125 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:48:19.119 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:10:46.101 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:20:03.086 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:24:00.091 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:30:47.105 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:45:29.109 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
I have noticed that when switching zigbee devices (that are connected with my Pizigate) on and off through Domoticz that there is a delay in these devices responding and sometimes they are not responding at all. In these cases the zigate module seems to reboot. I have added some logs from Domoticz below.
Domoticz version: 2022.1 (build 14318)
Zigate plugin: 6.1.004
Firmware Zigate: 0321
Can someone maybe help me to figure out what is going wrong?....
Kind regards,
Mark Reijnders
Domoticz status log:
2022-05-12 22:45:29.113 Status: Zigate: Plugin Restart command : ... loglevel=7
2022-05-12 22:45:29.156 Status: Zigate: Stop directive received.
2022-05-12 22:45:29.190 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: ZiGateSerialListen Thread stop.
2022-05-12 22:45:29.190 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: thread_processing_and_sending Thread stop.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.284 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: writer_thread Thread stop.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Statistics on message
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: PDM load(s) : 0
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: ZiGate reacting time
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Average : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: ZiGate processing time on Rx
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Average : 0 sec
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Sent:
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX commands : 65
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max Load (Queue) : 11
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max aPDU (Queue) : 2
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Max nPDU (Queue) : 1
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX failed : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX timeout : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX data timeout : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX reTransmit : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX APS Failure : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX APS Ack : 40 (61.54%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: TX APS Nck : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Received:
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX frame : 170
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX crc errors : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX lentgh errors : 0 (0.0%)
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX clusters : 45
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: RX clusters KO : 0
2022-05-12 22:45:30.295 Status: Zigate: Operating time : 0 Hours 14 Mins 41 Secs
2022-05-12 22:45:30.507 Status: Zigate: Exiting work loop.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Stopping threads.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Stopped.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Started.
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Incoming connection from:
2022-05-12 22:45:30.561 Status: Zigate: Entering work loop.
2022-05-12 22:45:31.397 Status: Zigate: Initialized version 6.2, author 'pipiche38'
2022-05-12 22:45:31.410 Status: Zigate: enablegroupmanagement set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.410 Status: Zigate: PluginAnalytics set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.410 Status: Zigate: zigatePartOfGroup0000 set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: reenforceConfigureReporting set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: channel set to 20
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: filename set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Conf/PluginConf-06.json
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginHome set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: homedirectory set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginData set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Data/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginConfig set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Conf/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginOTAFirmware set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/OTAFirmware/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginReports set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Reports/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginWWW set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/www/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: pluginLogs set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Logs/
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugMatchId set to 2a38
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: logDeviceUpdate set to 0
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugInput set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugBasicOutput set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugWriteAttributes set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugReadAttributes set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugCluster set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugWidget set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.411 Status: Zigate: debugTuya set to 1
2022-05-12 22:45:31.415 Status: Zigate: Please watch plugin log into /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Logs//PluginZigbee_06.log
2022-05-12 22:45:31.419 Status: Zigate: Zigate plugin stable6-6.1.004 started
2022-05-12 22:45:31.442 Status: Zigate: DeviceConf loaded - 23 confs loaded
2022-05-12 22:45:31.613 Status: Zigate: DeviceConf loaded - 334 confs loaded
2022-05-12 22:45:31.614 Status: Zigate: load ListOfDevice
2022-05-12 22:45:31.758 Status: Zigate: 21 Entries loaded from /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate/Data/DeviceList-6.txt
2022-05-12 22:45:31.765 Status: Zigate: Transport mode: PI
2022-05-12 22:45:31.807 Status: Zigate: Python version: ['3.7.3 (default, Jul 25 2020, 13:03:44) ', '[GCC 8.3.0]'] dist: ('debian', '10.8', '') linux_distribution: ('debian', '10.8', '') system: Linux machine: armv7l platform: Linux-5.10.63-v7l+-armv7l-with-debian-10.8 uname: uname_result(system='Linux', node='domoticz', release='5.10.63-v7l+', version='#1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:57 BST 2021', machine='armv7l', processor='') version: #1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:57 BST 2021 mac_ver: ('', ('', '', ''), '')
2022-05-12 22:45:32.516 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: Serial Connection open: Serial<id=0xae992310, open=True>(port='/dev/serial0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=None, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
2022-05-12 22:45:32.517 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: writer_thread Thread start.
2022-05-12 22:45:32.520 Status: Zigate: ZigateTransport: thread_processing_and_sending Thread start.
2022-05-12 22:45:32.523 Status: Zigate: Start Web Server connection
2022-05-12 22:45:32.530 Status: Zigate: Web backend for Web User Interface started on port: 9440
2022-05-12 22:45:41.173 Status: Zigate: ==> Transport Mode switch to full mode
2022-05-12 22:45:41.177 Status: Zigate: ZiGate Classic PDM (legacy)
2022-05-12 22:45:41.178 Status: Zigate: Installer Version Number: 0321
2022-05-12 22:45:41.178 Status: Zigate: Branch Version: ==> Production <==
2022-05-12 22:45:51.162 Status: Zigate: Zigbee Coordinator ieee: 00158d0003af5c82 , short addr: 0000
2022-05-12 22:45:51.162 Status: Zigate: Network state UP, PANID: fd33 extPANID: 0x1978e83c71d7f644 Channel: 20
2022-05-12 22:45:56.094 Status: Zigate: Request Disabling Accepting new Hardware
2022-05-12 22:46:01.073 Status: Zigate: Zigate set to Certification : 1/CE -> CE
2022-05-12 22:46:01.075 Status: Zigate: Start Group Management
2022-05-12 22:46:01.082 Status: Zigate: Plugin with Zigate, firmware 0321 correctly initialized
2022-05-12 22:46:04.653 Status: Zigate: Accepting new Hardware: Disable (Off)
2022-05-12 22:46:04.790 Status: Zigate: Number of devices recently active in Zigate = 9
2022-05-12 22:46:04.791 Status: Zigate: [00] DevID: 00 Network addr: bc6c IEEE: 842e14fffe8c68b0 LQI: 224 power: 00 Model: TRADFRI onoff switch ( switch-tv )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.792 Status: Zigate: [01] DevID: 28 Network addr: 6cb3 IEEE: b4e3f9fffea3f9b9 LQI: 111 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( stopcontact-badkamer )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.792 Status: Zigate: [02] DevID: 29 Network addr: 24a6 IEEE: bc33acfffe5f5fc2 LQI: 086 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( Outlet02 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.793 Status: Zigate: [03] DevID: 2a Network addr: 5cc2 IEEE: 842e14fffe4353d8 LQI: 122 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WW 806lm ( Lamp-Kamer-TV-806lm )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.794 Status: Zigate: [04] DevID: 2b Network addr: eb03 IEEE: 0c4314fffefda827 LQI: 066 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb GU10 WW 400lm ( Lamp-achter-03 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.794 Status: Zigate: [05] DevID: 2c Network addr: d496 IEEE: 50325ffffe261fab LQI: 087 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb GU10 WW 400lm ( Lamp-achter-02 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.795 Status: Zigate: [06] DevID: 2d Network addr: 9dfb IEEE: 842e14fffea71b7c LQI: 093 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WW 806lm ( Lamp-Kamer-Eettafel-806lm )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.796 Status: Zigate: [07] DevID: 2e Network addr: 8d11 IEEE: 842e14fffe5af61b LQI: 093 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( Outlet01 )
2022-05-12 22:46:04.796 Status: Zigate: [08] DevID: 2f Network addr: d9b4 IEEE: bc33acfffe5f6318 LQI: 111 power: 01 Model: TRADFRI control outlet ( Stopkontact-Vloer )
Domoticz error log:
2022-05-12 20:24:31.096 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:19:08.127 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:23:15.128 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:25:09.275 Error: Zigate: check_frame_lenght
2022-05-12 21:25:09.278 Error: Zigate: on_message Frame error Crc/len bytearray(b"\x01\x81\xa8!\n\'\ngJ!\n\xa4\xa7\xa4\xa4$\n\xa4\xa4d\x0e \xa5\xa4%\x85\n\xa4\x88\x02\x8d\x11\xb6\x00\x01\x00\x03")
2022-05-12 21:35:12.125 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 21:48:19.119 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:10:46.101 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:20:03.086 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:24:00.091 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:30:47.105 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect
2022-05-12 22:45:29.109 Error: Zigate: pingZigate - no Heartbeat with Zigate, try to reConnect