Question - What is the best way to make Domoticz control light hooked up to another Raspberry pi zero w

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Question - What is the best way to make Domoticz control light hooked up to another Raspberry pi zero w

Post by hikaslesi »

Working on some home automation, want to make a front door light/camera fixture since i can't find any off the shelf hardware i think are sufficiently open and modable. Currently i have a Domoticz server running on a Pi 3b and a few Zwave devices that work fine.

Now I am working on a front door light fixture that i took apart and i plan to mount the Pi zero w and a LED ring to function as the light, as well as a Pi camera hooked up to the Zero. I get how i can get the Domoticz server to access the webcam stream but i am trying to figure out the best way to make the light controllable from the Domoticz server as if it was a regular switch.

Would making the Pi zero w in the fixture a Domoticz secondary server the easiest way? would its devices show up on the main server so i could just do all my commands and everything from there?

Or should i just set it up with JSON commands and status reports to tell if the front door light is on or off and to control its status?
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Re: Question - What is the best way to make Domoticz control light hooked up to another Raspberry pi zero w

Post by anp21 »

Check Domoticz-remote server in a hardware
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