With the increasing electricity prices you get creative. Quite happy with what I have put together and would like to share it with you.
Hope you get some use of it

I wanted to get notification when a domestic machine like a dishwasher is finnished. The notification have to include duration, power used and also the cost for that specific wash. Searched and found a topic in this forum and based everything on that.
Link: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=32445&p=245629&hil ... g#p245629
How does it work?
- Machine started: When power exceeds "MachineStartUsage" a notification is sent containing the current price for electricity.
- Machine finnished: When power is less than "MachineStandbyUsage" for "MachineTimeout" minutes a new notification is sent. This one contains duration, used power and the total electricity cost.
What devices are needed?
- A smart plug or similar reporting the power being used by the machine.
- For cost calculation you need a device/variable with the current price.
How to setup?
Create one dzVents for each machine you have and copy the code into them.
In the script I have commented everything with "SETUP" that you need to setup.
You dont need any additional dummy switches or variables created for the script to work.
You will most likely need to do some tweeking with the parameters, I have added my values for dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.
Depending of what messaging service you use you might need to make some adjustments. I use Telegram.....
What the notifications will look like (sorry for the swedish):
The dzVents script:
Code: Select all
-- This is a dzVents-script for monitoring a machine. It will send a notification when the machine has finnished its run. The message will include duration, powewr used and the cost.
-- I found the script on the domoticz forum, created by Ragdag and I wanted changed it to use Telegram and also added duration and some other features.
-- How to set it up? Find all comments with SETUP and update to fit your needs. For test, use a lamp as a load and set MachineStandbyUsage to 1 and MachineStartUsage to 3. Easier than starting and stopping your washer 😅
-- If my suggested parameters dont work with your machine, start the machine and look in domoticz to see the power used by the machine in the beginning of the cycle and in the end.
-- Regards, Jens Månsson
-- 220119, Version 1.0: Release, started of with https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=32445&p=245629&hilit=ragdag#p245629 and added some features. Running fine for 1 week....
local scriptVar = 'Övervakning Diskmaskin' -- SETUP, Will be visable in the log, set it to something you can relate to like Dishwasher
on =
timer =
'every 1 minutes',
httpResponses =
logging =
level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- OPTIONAL, Set to LOG_DEBUG for debug info, set to LOG_INFO for minimal logs, Default = LOG_INFO
marker = scriptVar,
data =
MachineTimeout = { initial = 5 }, -- SETUP, Timeout value used in combination with stand by power to detect Machine is stopped, default value for Dishwasher/WashingMach/Dryer: 5/3/1
MachineInUse = { initial = 0 },
MachineStartkWh = { initial = 0 },
MachineEndkWh = { initial = 0 },
StartTime = { initial = 0 },
StopTime = { initial = 0 },
execute = function(domoticz, item)
if item.isHTTPResponse then
local Time = require('Time')
local MachineUsage = domoticz.devices('Plugg Maskin 3 energy') -- SETUP, This is the energy measuring device
local MachinePricePerkWh = domoticz.variables('VariabelCurrentPrice').value -- SETUP, This is the price per kWh, replace with a fixed value if you prefer that
local MachineStandbyUsage = 3.0 -- SETUP, If below this power the Machine is in standby = finished, default value for Dishwasher/WashingMach/Dryer: 3/3/3
local MachineStartUsage = 50.0 -- SETUP, If above this power the Machine us running, default value for Dishwasher/WashingMach/Dryer: 50/10/500
local SendStartNotification = true -- SETUP, If you like to get a notification when machine starts set to true
local MachineCost
local MachineUsed
local MachineDuration
local StartTimeCalc
local StopTimeCalc
if (MachineUsage.actualWatt >= MachineStartUsage) and (domoticz.data.MachineInUse == 0) then
domoticz.data.MachineStartkWh = MachineUsage.WhTotal
domoticz.data.StartTime = Time(domoticz.time.raw)
domoticz.data.MachineInUse = 1
if (SendStartNotification == true) then
-- SETUP, Change the message into what ever you want.
domoticz.notify('🍽️ Diskmaskinen är startad!\nEn kWh kostar just nu ' .. MachinePricePerkWh ..' öre') -- SETUP, Change text to fit your needs
domoticz.log("------ The Machine was started " .. tostring(domoticz.data.StartTime.raw), domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Timeout value is set to " .. domoticz.data.MachineTimeout, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
if (MachineUsage.actualWatt >= MachineStandbyUsage) and (domoticz.data.MachineInUse == 1) and (domoticz.data.MachineTimeout == 0) then
domoticz.data.MachineTimeout = 1
domoticz.log("Reseting counter, not done yet.", domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log("Timeout value is now " .. domoticz.data.MachineTimeout, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log("In use = " .. domoticz.data.MachineInUse, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
if (MachineUsage.actualWatt <= MachineStandbyUsage) and (domoticz.data.MachineInUse == 1) then
if (domoticz.data.MachineTimeout > 0) then
domoticz.data.MachineTimeout = domoticz.data.MachineTimeout - 1
domoticz.log(MachineUsage.actualWatt .. ' Watt usage, below standby usage, timout minus 1', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Timeout value is now ' .. domoticz.data.MachineTimeout, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('In use = ' .. domoticz.data.MachineInUse, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
elseif (domoticz.data.MachineTimeout == 0) then
domoticz.data.MachineInUse = 0
domoticz.data.MachineTimeout = 1
domoticz.data.MachineEndkWh = MachineUsage.WhTotal
MachineCost = (domoticz.data.MachineEndkWh - domoticz.data.MachineStartkWh) / 100000 * MachinePricePerkWh -- Deviding factor might need to be adjusted
MachineUsed = (domoticz.data.MachineEndkWh - domoticz.data.MachineStartkWh) / 1000 -- Deviding factor might need to be adjusted
StartTimeCalc = domoticz.data.StartTime
domoticz.data.StopTime = Time(domoticz.time.raw)
StopTimeCalc = Time(domoticz.time.raw)
MachineDuration = StopTimeCalc.compare(StartTimeCalc).minutes
-- SETUP, Change message, power unit and currency to fit your needs
domoticz.notify('🍽️ Diskmaskinen är klar!\n⏱️:' .. MachineDuration .. 'min ⚡:' .. domoticz.utils.numDecimals(MachineUsed, 2, 2) .. 'kWh 💰:' .. domoticz.utils.numDecimals(MachineCost, 2, 2) .. 'kr')
domoticz.log("------ The Machine was stopped " .. tostring(domoticz.data.StopTime.raw), domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log('Start time = ' .. tostring(StartTimeCalc.raw), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Stop time = ' .. tostring(StopTimeCalc.raw), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Start kWh = ' .. domoticz.data.MachineStartkWh, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('End kWh = ' .. domoticz.data.MachineEndkWh, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Washing cost = ' .. domoticz.utils.numDecimals(MachineCost, 2, 2), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Timeout = ' .. domoticz.data.MachineTimeout, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('In use = ' .. domoticz.data.MachineInUse, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
if (domoticz.data.MachineInUse == 1) then
domoticz.log('------ Machine is running', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log('------ Machine is NOT running', domoticz.LOG_INFO)