Hi, Just wanted to share my experience in activating a Sonoff BasicR3 in domoticz. Looking on the internet I found many complex solutions (Tasmota, MQTT, eWelink ...) all working but complicated. Since 2019 sonoff offers the DIY where you can simply post http requests to control the device.
references : http://developers.sonoff.tech/sonoff-di ... tocol.html and https://sonoff.tech/product-review/prod ... evice-yes/
In fact it comes to 5 actions :
1. put the DIY bridge in the Sonoff device and restart pairing
2. connect to '' (password 12345678) and enter your WIFI network and password.
3. restart (link is blinking twice) and find the ipaddress of the Sonoff ESP device (eg.
4. create a dummy switch in domoticz (eg. Plug1)
5. create a script to post request (dzvents example below)
Hope this helps.
dzvents script (devices part is normally sufficient, extended with error check) :
return {
on = {
devices = {'Plug1'},
httpResponses = {'Resp_on', 'Resp_off'}, -- must match with the callback passed to the openURL command
customEvents ={'Check_on','Check_off'},
execute = function(domoticz, item)
if (item.isDevice) then
if item.state == "On" then comm = "on" else comm = "off" end
url = '',
method = 'POST',
callback = 'None',
postData = {['deviceid']='', ['data']={['switch']= comm }}
domoticz.emitEvent('Check_'..comm, domoticz.time.rawTime ).afterSec(1) --check if OK after one second
print("Plug1 command send = "..comm)
if (item.isCustomEvent) then
if item.trigger == "Check_on" then comm = "on" else comm = "off" end
url = '',
method = 'POST',
callback = 'Resp_'..comm,
postData = {['deviceid']='', ['data']={}}
print("Plug1 status requested info for status = "..comm)
if (item.isHTTPResponse) and (item.isJSON) then -- check after 1 second if error or status switch is different than requested
print("HTTPResponse is "..item.trigger.." , error is "..item.json.error.." status is "..item.json.data['switch'])
if item.trigger == "Resp_on" then comm = "on" else comm = "off" end
if (not item.ok or (item.json.error ~= 0) or item.json.data['switch']~= comm) then
url = '',
method = 'POST',
callback = 'None', -- only one retry
postData = {['deviceid']='', ['data']={['switch']= comm }}
print("ERROR on Plug1, Retry once : Plug1 command send = "..comm)
Sonoff DIY non complicated
Moderator: leecollings
Re: Sonoff DIY non complicated
Thank you this works like a charm!
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Re: Sonoff DIY non complicated
To say that this is less complicated....
As soon as you have mqtt up and running, you can use it for other automations as well, like ZigBee and zwavel
As soon as you have mqtt up and running, you can use it for other automations as well, like ZigBee and zwavel
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Re: Sonoff DIY non complicated
Thank you this works perfectly with a BASICR3

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Re: Sonoff DIY non complicated
Hi to all !
Ok I know that this is an old thread but I just bought my (new?) MINIR3 and I realized that it only responds to this :
"deviceid": "1001717xxx",
"data": {
"switches": [
{ "switch": "off", "outlet": 0 }
My knowledge is not enough to modify the script
Could somebody help?
Ok I know that this is an old thread but I just bought my (new?) MINIR3 and I realized that it only responds to this :
"deviceid": "1001717xxx",
"data": {
"switches": [
{ "switch": "off", "outlet": 0 }
My knowledge is not enough to modify the script
Could somebody help?
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