Use garage door opener to set switch?

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Use garage door opener to set switch?

Post by JeroenG »

To open the garage door we have a hand-transmitter with 4 buttons. According the print on the backside is operates on 868.3 mhz.

Button 1 is used for the garagedoor, the other buttons are not used, so I see some oppertunities. What do I need to get the signal into domotic if 1 of the buttons is pressed?

Probably some kind of receiver, but then the signal needs to be send into Domoticz to flip a switch (or start a script).

Any suggestions/tips and/or pitfalls?


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Re: Use garage door opener to set switch?

Post by EddyG » but there is no guaranty that the signal will be decoded for Domoticz.
Search this forum for the type of the transmitter. May be somebody already found the solution.
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Re: Use garage door opener to set switch?

Post by rgroothuis »

I had something similar, also a garagedoor remote control which sends out a RF signal.
What I did to automate this, to control this from Domoticz is to use a Fibaro Smart Implant ( This small device has 2x potential-free outputs (for controlling external circuits), I soldered two wires over the buttons on the remote control and added the Fibaro to Domoticz and now I can control the garage door through Domoticz. Works perfectly and stable :-)
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Re: Use garage door opener to set switch?

Post by JeroenG »

Probably will look into the solutions EddyG mentionend.

@rgroothuis, my requirement is just the other way around, I want to use the garage opener to activate a switch in Domoticz, not control the garage from Domoticz.

Happy new year,

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Re: Use garage door opener to set switch?

Post by galinette »

I had the same need. I purchased an extension to my Hormann garage door opener which provides input/output dry contacts for getting the door state and triggering open/close. And I added the Fibaro Smart implant inside. This means I have an input to check the door state, and two inputs for opening and closing, in ZWave. Works like a charm.
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