After update to latest beta some graphs went empty

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After update to latest beta some graphs went empty

Post by marcoon66 »


(first of all: what a splendid add on to domoticz!).

I updated this weekend from version 3.8.5 to 3.8.8.
The graphs containing one data line gone empty.

for example my 'gas'-graph doesn't work, my electricity graph works well:

Code: Select all

blocks[grafiek_gas] = {
        title: 'Gas op de plank',
        devices: [78],
        graph: 'bar',
        custom: {
                "afgelopen maand": {
                        range: 'month',
                        filter: '28 days',
                        data: {gas: 'd.v_78'}
                "afgelopen dag": {
                        range: 'day',
                        filter: '1 day',
                        data: {gas: 'd.v_78'}
                "afgelopen week": {
                        range: 'month',
                        filter: '7 days',
                        data: {gas: 'd.v_78'}
        graphTypes: ['v'],
        datasetColors: ['red'],
        legend: {
                v_78: "Gas verbruik"

blocks[grafiek_electriciteit] = {
        title: 'Mijn electriciteit',
        devices: [77],
        graph: ['line','bar','bar'],
        custom : {
                "Afgelopen 2 weken": {
                        range: 'month',
                        filter: '14 days',
                        data: {
                                nett: 'd.v_77+d.v2_77-d.r1_77-d.r2_77',
                                usage: 'd.v_77+d.v2_77',
                                generation: '-d.r1_77-d.r2_77'
                }, etc. etc.

When I click on the 3 bars and go to the data I don't see any óutput keys'. Maybe thats the problem?

Can somebody help me out?

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Re: After update to latest beta some graphs went empty

Post by Lokonli »

You have to remove the legend.

With custom graphs you replace the original data elements. That means the keys in your legend don't exist anymore, and nothing will be shown.

Maybe the legend should be ignored for custom graphs, because it's confusing I notice.

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Re: After update to latest beta some graphs went empty

Post by marcoon66 »

Thanks. This was the trick.
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