Basic documentation?

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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Basic documentation?

Post by ThirstyThursten »

Hey Guys!
I bought a house where the previous owner left a RasPi with Domoticz, an OTGW, Hybrid Heat Pump (or what you call it?) and ofcourse the CV kettle.
The OTGW is setup in the Domoticz, and I've seen it in my Device list for a while now but never really understood what all the different devices and acronyms mean.

Below you can find the devices that exist in my Domoticz environment, I don't expect anyone to go through it all with/for me, even though I would appreciate that. I'm basicly just looking for documentation so I can understand how this works. And how the OTGW works at all. I looked on their website but didn't get any wiser.

The OTGW I have here is a USB version with version 4.2.5 (at least that's what Domoticz tells me! :P )

Hope you guys can help me out! :)

Thanks in advance!
OTGW.PNG (140.97 KiB) Viewed 1977 times
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Re: Basic documentation?

Post by waltervl »

In Homassistant it is a little bit better explained: ... ntherm_gw/
But HA is creating a lot more sensors/switches so you have to see what is what.
I am willing to update the wiki if needed but I need some input as I do not own an OTGW.

From Domoticz source code (PS=1 list), see also for further explanation of the MSgID's

Code: Select all

		// Size = 25 for Firmware version < 5 and Size = 34 for Firmware version 5 and up
		//status report
		//0    0	Status (MsgID=0) - Printed as two 8-bit bitfields
		//1    1	Control setpoint (MsgID=1) - Printed as a floating point value
		//2    2	Remote parameter flags (MsgID=6) - Printed as two 8-bit bitfields
		// 	   3	Cooling control (MsgID=7) - Printed as a floating point value
		//     4	Control setpoint 2 (MsgID=8) - Printed as a floating point value
		//3    5	Maximum relative modulation level (MsgID=14) - Printed as a floating point value
		//4    6	Boiler capacity and modulation limits (MsgID=15) - Printed as two bytes
		//5    7	Room Setpoint (MsgID=16) - Printed as a floating point value
		//6    8	Relative modulation level (MsgID=17) - Printed as a floating point value
		//7    9	CH water pressure (MsgID=18) - Printed as a floating point value
		//     10	DHW flow rate (MsgID=19) - Printed as a floating point value
		//     11	CH2 room setpoint (MsgID=23) - Printed as a floating point value
		//8    12	Room temperature (MsgID=24) - Printed as a floating point value
		//9    13	Boiler water temperature (MsgID=25) - Printed as a floating point value
		//10   14	DHW temperature (MsgID=26) - Printed as a floating point value
		//11   15	Outside temperature (MsgID=27) - Printed as a floating point value
		//12   16	Return water temperature (MsgID=28) - Printed as a floating point value
		// 	   17	CH2 flow temperature (MsgID=31) - Printed as a floating point value
		//     18	Boiler exhaust temperature (MsgID=33) - Printed as a signed decimal value
		//13   19	DHW setpoint boundaries (MsgID=48) - Printed as two bytes
		//14   20 	Max CH setpoint boundaries (MsgID=49) - Printed as two bytes
		//15   21	DHW setpoint (MsgID=56) - Printed as a floating point value
		//16   22	Max CH water setpoint (MsgID=57) - Printed as a floating point value
		//     23	V/H master status (MsgID=70) - Printed as two 8-bit bitfields
		//     24	V/H control setpoint (MsgID=71) - Printed as a byte
		//     25	Relative ventilation (MsgID=77) - Printed as a byte
		//17   26	Burner starts (MsgID=116) - Printed as a decimal value
		//18   27	CH pump starts (MsgID=117) - Printed as a decimal value
		//19   28	DHW pump/valve starts (MsgID=118) - Printed as a decimal value
		//20   29	DHW burner starts (MsgID=119) - Printed as a decimal value
		//21   30	Burner operation hours (MsgID=120) - Printed as a decimal value
		//22   31	CH pump operation hours (MsgID=121) - Printed as a decimal value
		//23   32	DHW pump/valve operation hours (MsgID=122) - Printed as a decimal value
		//24   33	DHW burner operation hours (MsgID=123) - Printed as a decimal value
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Re: Basic documentation?

Post by waltervl »

I have added some extra information on the wiki
And used your screenshot of OTGW devices as it was far more real. I hope you can approve with this.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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