Tip for failing 433Mhz movement sensor

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Tip for failing 433Mhz movement sensor

Post by BartSr »

In my house there are several cheap chinese movement-sensors for switching on lights. Today I had to change batteries of one of them.
After I did the sensor was not recognized any longer. Using the RFXmanager I found that the sensor gave UNDEC type of protocol i.e. unknown.
I tried several other sensors/batteries. At long last I found that the queality of the battery-used caused the problem. I used knew low-cost batteries which gave failures. After I used the wellknown high quality batteries all was Oke again (protocol Lighting4).

Lessons learnt: even if measuring of a battery gives right voltage it is not a guarantee the sensor works as expected.
Hopefully I help others with my experience (which in fact took to much time ;) .

Raspberry pi 3b
Chinese sensors temp (Dallas),movement
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Re: Tip for failing 433Mhz movement sensor

Post by Treve »

BartSr wrote:In my house there are several cheap chinese movement-sensors for switching on lights. Today I had to change batteries of one of them.
After I did the sensor was not recognized any longer. Using the RFXmanager I found that the sensor gave UNDEC type of protocol i.e. unknown.
I tried several other sensors/batteries. At long last I found that the queality of the battery-used caused the problem. I used knew low-cost batteries which gave failures. After I used the wellknown high quality batteries all was Oke again (protocol Lighting4).

Lessons learnt: even if measuring of a battery gives right voltage it is not a guarantee the sensor works as expected.
Hopefully I help others with my experience (which in fact took to much time ;) .

I’m using Lidl batteries for my 433MHz Pir and Window sensors for several years now without any problems.
- RFXtrx433E,
- AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 EU
- Hue v2.1
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Raspbian Stretch Full on USB-Stick.
- Domoticz 4.11474
Devices: KaKu, Z-Wave, Hue.

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Re: Tip for failing 433Mhz movement sensor

Post by manjh »

I have used cheap Chinese PIR sensors for several years now, and have experienced that changing batteries sometimes brings in a different signal.
What I do, is add this signal as new sensor. For each individual device, I now have at least two different signals, sometimes three.
The LUA script reacting to the signal looks at all signal flavors.

It may not be ideal, but it works... :)
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