Evohome temperatures stopped working

For Evohome related questions in Domoticz

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Evohome temperatures stopped working

Post by bramv »

Shortly after upgrading to the latest binary of Domoticz with a fix for Evohome I applied for the new beta firmware ( of Evohome. (https://getconnected.honeywellhome.com/ ... ebetatrial)

EvoHome firmaware:
Platform Raspberry Pi 4

When I looked at my setpoints and temperature readings of Evohome they were all 0 (zero).
I can't find any useful help in the logs. I did change the code for some extra info in the logging.

I do get some warnings like:

Nov 13 14:03:20 raspberrypi4 domoticz: evohome: ZONE_NAME: Warning zone name not set: 2

Nov 13 14:03:40 raspberrypi4 domoticz: evohome: unknown command 22f1
Nov 13 14:03:40 raspberrypi4 domoticz: evohome: unknown command 31d9

Nov 13 14:03:46 raspberrypi4 domoticz: evohome: invalid message structure - possible corrupt message:045 I --- --:------ --:------ 10:086136 1FD4 003 005B90
Nov 13 14:04:16 raspberrypi4 domoticz: evohome: ProcessMsg:045 I --- --:------ --:------ 10:086136 1FD4 003 005B91
Nov 13 14:04:16 raspberrypi4 domoticz: evohome: invalid message structure - possible corrupt message:045 I --- --:------ --:------ 10:086136 1FD4 003 005B91

Does anybody have the same firmware version or problems or know how to fix?

EvoHome firmaware:
Evohome HCE80 4 zones (floorheating), HGI80, 5x HR92, RF OpenTherm connection
Platform Raspberry Pi 4

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Re: Evohome temperatures stopped working

Post by bramv »

After a couple of hours searching I found the problem:
In de database the svalue was "0". After changing it to "0.0;0.0;Auto" for each zone/sensor it worked again.

I don't know what caused the change of the value
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Re: Evohome temperatures stopped working

Post by filbert »

Sorry to jump on an old thread but I have a similar issue. All looks OK on the dashboard (temperatures are all normal) but I'm getting repeated errors in the log since I updated to 2023.2:

2023-10-30 08:21:54.213 Error: Evohome : evohome: unknown command 0100
2023-10-30 08:22:24.361 Error: Evohome : evohome: unknown command 1fd4

I'm not sure what you mean by the svalue in the database. I have done very little with Domoticz apart from get it working with my Evohome system. Can you point me in the right direction?
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