Domoticz Scenes in Kodi

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Domoticz Scenes in Kodi

Post by user4563 »

Just letting everyone know there is a Kodi add-on "Domoticz Scenes":

This is if you want to control Domoticz within the Kodi GUI.

As of the latest v0.0.10 as of this post you will get an error if you use a username/password in the Kodi add-on so add the Kodi IP to the local networks IP in Domoticz where no username & password is needed and don't use SSL as that doesn't work either (I opened a GitHub issue here: ... s/issues/6)
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Re: Domoticz Scenes in Kodi

Post by HansOtten »

Installs fine. So far so good.

Scenes are enumerated, my main scene is an on/off one. Works fine that way.

And with this Kodi plugin I can only select it, click it and lights switch on. No way to switch off. I could make a switch off scene, but that is not going to be liked by the rest of the family.

Maybe some more functionality in a next version?
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Re: Domoticz Scenes in Kodi

Post by user4563 »

That's the way scenes work. It will select whatever is preset for that scene. Switches is the toggle.

In my setup I am controlling a dimmer so I just made three scenes: off, low, medium. I preferred the scenes list because it only pulls up the lights where Kodi is. You don't see switches irrelevant to Kodi.

You could also use the "switches" list and toggle on/off that way but you'll see the whole switch list.
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Domoticz Scenes add-on in Kodi
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