I did (I think) exactly what was described in topic "Re: Get sensor values with MQTT into Domoticz"
Is there anyone who has an idea maybe?
To get MQTT values from my second Raspberry Pi to my first RBPi Dummy Device via/with domoticz ánd mosquito ánd node-red.
I have installed and running:
domoticz ánd mosquito ánd node-red on my Raspberry Pi 3B.
With "mosquitto_sub -v -t '#' " I do see all messages coming by via putty (see bottom)
All goes fine exépt for the data to be updated in the domoticz-Device (idx).
Situation/what I have:
MQTT Hardware set in domotics with these settings:
Data Timeout: Disabled
Remote Address: localhost
Port 1883
Publish Topic: Index
A Dummy device created with name: GAS, type: gas, Idx: 289
MQTT object, with the following settings:
Topic: p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_gas_m3
Output: a parsed JSON object
Server: localhost : 1883
Client ID: p1monitor
JSON node:
Action: Convert between JSON string & object
switch (msg.topic) {
case "p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_gas_m3":
msg.payload = {"command":"udevice","idx":289,"nvalue":0,"svalue": msg.payload};
return msg;
* Note: I also changed this to:
msg.payload = {"command":"udevice","idx":289,"nvalue":0,"svalue": 40 };
msg.payload = {"command":"udevice","idx":289,"nvalue":0,"svalue": "40"};
but that makes no differtence: the device won't update with the given value...
Debug output:
Code: Select all
[color=#404000]10/18/2021, 11:32:06 PMnode: 2a8a6f12fe8314fc
p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_gas_m3 : msg.payload : Object
command: "udevice"
idx: 289
nvalue: 0
svalue: "40"[/color]
... repeatingly...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mosquitto_sub -v -t '#'
p1monitor/smartmeter/timestamp_local 2021-10-18 23:34:13
p1monitor/smartmeter/timestamp_utc 1634592853
p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_gas_m3 1389.693
p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_kwh_high 1656.412
p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_kwh_low 1597.443
p1monitor/smartmeter/consumption_kw 0.555
p1monitor/smartmeter/production_kwh_high 1583.278
p1monitor/smartmeter/production_kwh_low 657.426
p1monitor/smartmeter/production_kw 0.0
p1monitor/smartmeter/tarifcode D
p1monitor/smartmeter/record_is_processed 0
p1monitor/phase/timestamp_local 2021-10-18 23:34:13
p1monitor/phase/timestamp_utc 1634592853
p1monitor/phase/consumption_l1_w 0.547
p1monitor/phase/consumption_l2_w 0.0
p1monitor/phase/consumption_l3_w 0.0
p1monitor/phase/production_l1_w 0.0
p1monitor/phase/production_l2_w 0.0
p1monitor/phase/production_l3_w 0.0
p1monitor/phase/l1_v 235.2
p1monitor/phase/l2_v 0.0
p1monitor/phase/l3_v 0.0
p1monitor/phase/l1_a 2.0
p1monitor/phase/l2_a 0.0
p1monitor/phase/l3_a 0.0
It is almost as if node-red misses some kind of package responsible for communicating with domoticz itself...
Any suggestion someone maybe?