aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
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aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
Need some help, after updating domoticz windows instalation from 2020_2.12917 to 2021_1.13680 the aurora theme doesnt work do you have any idea what is hapening?
Thank you
Need some help, after updating domoticz windows instalation from 2020_2.12917 to 2021_1.13680 the aurora theme doesnt work do you have any idea what is hapening?
Thank you
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
try it with some computers and the same.
not a cache problem.
not a cache problem.
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
then maybe it's the same problem as with the Machinon theme, and the author needs to take action.
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
thank you.
it seems to be the same problem, i lost the theme button in settings menu and try the machinon theme and the same problem.
it seems to be the same problem, i lost the theme button in settings menu and try the machinon theme and the same problem.
- galadril
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
I already created a Issue on github > ... me/pull/76
And this PR should fix the issue > ... me/pull/76 ... me/pull/76
And this PR should fix the issue > ... me/pull/76
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- Bospieper
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
I'm on the Auroratheme and experienced the same problem as mentioned in a earlyer topic. I solved it by changing acttheme to styles/aurora. But I'm still facing the problem of not being able to save settings. Domoticz give the red error message that it is not possible to save the changes and on top of that domoticz GUI crashes.
Are there more users with the same problem and maybe a solution?
I use Chrome as webbrowser and cleared both caches several times.
I'm on the Auroratheme and experienced the same problem as mentioned in a earlyer topic. I solved it by changing acttheme to styles/aurora. But I'm still facing the problem of not being able to save settings. Domoticz give the red error message that it is not possible to save the changes and on top of that domoticz GUI crashes.
Are there more users with the same problem and maybe a solution?
I use Chrome as webbrowser and cleared both caches several times.
- kiddigital
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
Try switching to the Default theme and see if Save settings works there.
In Chrome you van open the Developer tools (F12) and see what is going on. Might be useful to post any errors you see there.
In Chrome you van open the Developer tools (F12) and see what is going on. Might be useful to post any errors you see there.
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One RPi with Pi foundation standard touch screen to display Dashticz
- Bospieper
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
The problem is that none of the setting changes are saved. So it is not possible to change from theme.
In regards to the F12 state in Chrome. Wich menu item you want data from?
The problem is that none of the setting changes are saved. So it is not possible to change from theme.
In regards to the F12 state in Chrome. Wich menu item you want data from?
- kiddigital
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
Check the 'Network' tab and then look for the line with the 'json.htm?type=command¶m=storesettings' (make sure you have 'preserve log' and 'disable cache' checked).
For this call, the 'Headers' and 'Response' data is probably the most interesting part.
Also, in the printscreen there is an error shown with the POST of the settings. Would be interesting to see what additional info it reveals.
Does the Domoticz back-end crash when saving settings? Do you need to restart Domoticz first before the UI works again?
Check the 'Network' tab and then look for the line with the 'json.htm?type=command¶m=storesettings' (make sure you have 'preserve log' and 'disable cache' checked).
For this call, the 'Headers' and 'Response' data is probably the most interesting part.
Also, in the printscreen there is an error shown with the POST of the settings. Would be interesting to see what additional info it reveals.
Does the Domoticz back-end crash when saving settings? Do you need to restart Domoticz first before the UI works again?
One RPi with Domoticz, RFX433e, aeon labs z-wave plus stick GEN5, ha-bridge 5.4.0 for Alexa, Philips Hue Bridge, Pimoroni Automation Hat
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One RPi with Pi foundation standard touch screen to display Dashticz
- Bospieper
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
Hi Kiddigital,
Here's my log from the moment I hit the button "Save".
The Domoticz GUI crashes and with sudo service domoticz stop and start the system is working again, no changes are saved.
Here's my log from the moment I hit the button "Save".
The Domoticz GUI crashes and with sudo service domoticz stop and start the system is working again, no changes are saved.
- kiddigital
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
That is indeed the line. Please select it (the red one) and show the details, especially the Headers and Response (also Request data).
One RPi with Domoticz, RFX433e, aeon labs z-wave plus stick GEN5, ha-bridge 5.4.0 for Alexa, Philips Hue Bridge, Pimoroni Automation Hat
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One RPi with Pi foundation standard touch screen to display Dashticz
- Bospieper
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
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Last edited by Bospieper on Tuesday 02 November 2021 16:01, edited 2 times in total.
- Bospieper
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
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- Bospieper
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
Hi Kiddigital,
Did you find anything in the data I send you? Perhaps possible solution?
Grz. Piet
Did you find anything in the data I send you? Perhaps possible solution?
Grz. Piet
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Re: aurora theme in windows domoticz instalation stop working last update
After last dev update - Domoticz not working
return with backup.

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