Sonoff T2EU-RF switch with RfxTrx433

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Sonoff T2EU-RF switch with RfxTrx433

Post by aardwolf2 »

Looking at the information for the RFXtrx433(e) regarding the Sonoff protocol, all of the information I can find is regarding using the RFXtrx as a transmitter to control Sonoff RF relays. Has anyone got this working the other way round? i.e using the RFXtrx to receive a signal from a Sonoff RF lightswitch? You can guess the reason for the question, no I can't get it working, yes I am using the Lighting 4 protocol (I have tried all protocols individually in RFXmngr seperately with no success, even undec, though that doesn't appear to receive anything even my existing switches), yes I am allowing new devices, yes the switch is transmitting, I can see it on an SDR at 433.92MHz. Unfortunately it was only after I bought it I realised all of the information covered transmitting, not receiving. Ta for any informaion.
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