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Zwave blind switch problem

Posted: Sunday 11 July 2021 21:44
by Joske
Hello, an question..

I'm using a Schneider (Mertens) blind-switch (MTN507801) and got a problem.
Suddenly out of the blue i can't control the switch anymore via my domoticz.
I've tried to exclude, reset and did everything to make it work.

The strangest thing is...

When i use the switch in my Domoticz i can hear it turns on (click) AND see (measureing via meter) that it gives an voltage to the screenmotor.
But the only thing i hear is a little 'zoom' the motor gets electricity, but doesn't respond.

When i use the regular wallswitch the screen works fine.

Can somebody advice me?

It looks like its 'reversed' so the screen try's to close, but its already closed (it gives the same sound when i use the standard wall switch CLOSE)

Re: Zwave blind switch problem

Posted: Friday 16 July 2021 16:43
by Joske
Still the same issue, little update:

I found the switch within Domoticz, but i only can turn the screen OFF.
When i open the screen via another wallswitch then the zwave switch can close the screen.
But when the screen is closed i hear that earlier 'zoom', so my guess is that it always tries to CLOSE.

Its strange because it always worked