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Implementation of TS-FT002 WATER LEVEL device present in RFXCOM 1045 FW

Posted: Saturday 03 July 2021 16:27
by pshadoko
I am launching a request for the support of the TS-FT002 sensor in domoticz which is a double water level / temperature sensor.
It measures :
- A distance in cm (distance between the ultrasound probe and a flat surface)
- A temperature.

In its operation, the water level is calculated in relation to a min and max point which is defined on the screen of the receiver supplied with the probe. This then displays the calculated level.

I was able to contact who integrated it into the 1045 version of the rfxtrx433XL firmware
Also there is a new class of device: ATI / Cartelectronic which appears in domoticz.

When using the Rfxmngr software and activating the ATI / Cartelectronic TS-FT002 mode
the following information is retrieved when the receiver transmits (every 3 minutes):

03/07/2021 03:33:07:566= 0D730001FA3A6F00450122676889
Packettype = Water level sensor
subtype = TS FT002
Sequence nbr = 1
ID1 = FA decimal:250
ID2 = 3A decimal:58
Level = 69 cm
Temperature = 29 °C
Signal level = 8 -56dBm
Battery = OK

For the moment in the domoticz logs at each transmission I have a message of the type:
2021-07-03 16: 12: 07.482 Error: RFXCOM: Invalid data received! ....

If we could retrieve this information through 2 sensors: a distance sensor and a temperature sensor, this would make it possible to create a dummy device updated by a script which would calculate the water level in%, unit of distance, or in volume.

Hoping that you will take this request into account for your next update.


Re: Implementation of TS-FT002 WATER LEVEL device present in RFXCOM 1045 FW

Posted: Monday 04 April 2022 10:37
by gelbman
I ordered this sensor and I have an Rfxcom ProXL.
I would also be interested in integrating it with domoticz.
Is there a solution?


Re: Implementation of TS-FT002 WATER LEVEL device present in RFXCOM 1045 FW

Posted: Friday 08 April 2022 8:28
by gelbman
Domoticz does not receive information from the TS-FT002.

"2022-04-08 08:21:57.734 Error: RF Gateway: Invalid data received!..."

Domoticz latest version.
RfxcomXL latest PROXL1 1045 firmware with TS-FT002 support.

In RfxMngr TS-FT002 Works well.

Does anyone have a solution?


Re: Implementation of TS-FT002 WATER LEVEL device present in RFXCOM 1045 FW

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022 17:31
by lolo27
Since today, I'm testing the TS-FT002.
RFXCOM also does not read data from the probe (version 1045) and Domoticz, however with an RTLSDR USB key and RTL_433, the frames are read in Domoticz (tried with Windows).
Every 3 minutes, the probe sends the temperature with the distance measurement. It is thus possible to draw curves, the data is raw, it corresponds to the space between the probe and the water (the probe must be perfectly vertical otherwise the infrasound will not bounce towards the probe).

Re: Implementation of TS-FT002 WATER LEVEL device present in RFXCOM 1045 FW

Posted: Tuesday 06 September 2022 7:47
by gelbman
I finally managed to make TS-Ft002 work on domoticz with an RFXTRX PROXL.
The protocol to activate on Domoticz is ATI.
Temperature and distance are well recognized.
Hoping this can help those who come across this post.