RFBee , Raspberry Pi install now not picking most devices

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RFBee , Raspberry Pi install now not picking most devices

Post by AndyP »

Power outage. killed my SD card.
Rebuilt and re-installed latest Version: 2021.1 / Raspian Linux raspberrypi 5.10.17+ #1421
Hardware add for Evohome USB fine.
Logfile now only seems to show traffic for the two zone relays (actually HW & CH valve control).
The RF Bee is snooping the comms correctly as it did before, with all the usual traffic present and correct.
Seems funny that only the' zone' devices are actually recognised.
Busy building from source so that I can set enhanced debug logging in the Evohome module , but on the Pi B series this is a 36hour build!

What could I have missed?


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Re: RFBee , Raspberry Pi install now not picking most devices

Post by AndyP »

Miscalculated the hex id of the evohome controller ....
You would have thought I would have got it from the controller itself, but was saving time by not getting up a walking to controller location.

What is it my Dad used to say ? "Lazy man works the hardest"

Hey Ho , but at least this is here for the next time I repeat the mistake.
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