water meter Vitens in Dashticz

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water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by NilsNijenhuis »


i have been able to read my watermeter from vitens en get the liters in Domoticz and Dashticz.
The only problem i have is that the block is displaying the "total meter reading" instead of only the total day usage?

if i click on the block i can see the total day usage in the left upper corner (0,05m3), but i want tot show this directly on my dashboard.
and if its possible in liters...

Does anyone know how to do this?

Code: Select all

blocks[water_vandaag] = {}
//blocks[water_vandaag]['filter'] = 'day';
blocks[water_vandaag]['width'] = 6;
blocks[water_vandaag]['image'] = 'water.png';
blocks[water_vandaag]['title'] = 'water vandaag';
blocks[water_vandaag]['show_lastupdate'] = false;
blocks[water_vandaag]['protected'] = true;
blocks[water_vandaag]['popup'] = 'graph_92';

Code: Select all

// Definition 'water' graph
blocks['graph_92'] = {
  devices: [92],
  title: 'water',
  graph: 'bar',
  datasetColors: ['yellow'],
    legend: {
      'v_92': 'waterverbruik'

sensor watermeter.JPG
sensor watermeter.JPG (66.83 KiB) Viewed 1738 times
watermeter (2) dashticz.JPG
watermeter (2) dashticz.JPG (98.68 KiB) Viewed 1738 times
watermeter dashticz.JPG
watermeter dashticz.JPG (11.65 KiB) Viewed 1738 times
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Joined: Thursday 04 November 2021 10:53
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2021.1
Location: netherlands 't Gooi

Re: water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by Sunhw »

Nice job.

I am also working on reading my water meter.
The model I have here has no reflective pice on the wheels. Even no wheels at all.
A magnetic switch like you used did not work also.
A compas showed that there is a magnet moving deep inside the meter.
So I thought I use a i2c magnetic sensor.
This works on my domoticz on a pi.
Now how to get the info to be visible in domoticz?

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Re: water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by Lokonli »

This is the Dashticz forum. Do you have it working in Domoticz already?
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Re: water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by Sunhw »

Yes, for over 10 years a working system with p1 meter solar panels and switches on a pi. Often browsed the forum for tips and found them.
I thought now it is time to connect my watermeter.
And found out it was more difficult than I thought.
Because the normal route by a magmatic switch I did not get this working up to 24v and no succes.
Also no other users had this meter working here in the Netherlands.
So I thought I attack that by i2c with a HMC5883L 3axe kompas.
The first adventure was quite disappointing, a lot of errors with with all the i2c tool libs, python3 stuff. Still no output from the compas.
Yesterday evening there was this eureka moment and after a nice tip I found the right driver (QMC5883) and now I have output on the. I2c bus. And data from the compas is interacting with the water flow.
Now I try to find a route to get this data so that it is readable by domoticz.
The data now is a running number from 2000 down to -2000
So a bit of value tweaking and there should be a form of on off value available.

My first idee was to let this value flip a gpio pin an connec this to an other gpio pin and read this into domoticz. Het is the short coming of my Python programming skills.
So I was after a idee to achieve this.


Sorry for the long read

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Re: water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by whoami »

Hi Nils, did you find the solution to show only the day usage?
I now have the same setup- and have the same problem...
I only see the total used liters/m3 and not the daily usage in dashticz
NilsNijenhuis wrote: Thursday 10 June 2021 9:29 Hello,

i have been able to read my watermeter from vitens en get the liters in Domoticz and Dashticz.
The only problem i have is that the block is displaying the "total meter reading" instead of only the total day usage?

if i click on the block i can see the total day usage in the left upper corner (0,05m3), but i want tot show this directly on my dashboard.
and if its possible in liters...

Does anyone know how to do this?

Code: Select all

blocks[water_vandaag] = {}
//blocks[water_vandaag]['filter'] = 'day';
blocks[water_vandaag]['width'] = 6;
blocks[water_vandaag]['image'] = 'water.png';
blocks[water_vandaag]['title'] = 'water vandaag';
blocks[water_vandaag]['show_lastupdate'] = false;
blocks[water_vandaag]['protected'] = true;
blocks[water_vandaag]['popup'] = 'graph_92';

Code: Select all

// Definition 'water' graph
blocks['graph_92'] = {
  devices: [92],
  title: 'water',
  graph: 'bar',
  datasetColors: ['yellow'],
    legend: {
      'v_92': 'waterverbruik'

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Re: water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by whoami »

I used counter and not the incremental counter and it worked!
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Re: water meter Vitens in Dashticz

Post by NilsNijenhuis »

yes i have a day usage in the block of the water meter
watermeter.jpg (6.05 KiB) Viewed 1236 times

Code: Select all

// water meter = water_vandaag
blocks[water_vandaag] = {}
blocks[water_vandaag]['value'] = "<CounterToday>",
blocks[water_vandaag]['width'] = 6;
blocks[water_vandaag]['image'] = 'water.png';
blocks[water_vandaag]['title'] = 'Waterverbruik dag';
blocks[water_vandaag]['last_update'] = false;
blocks[water_vandaag]['protected'] = true;
blocks[water_vandaag]['popup'] = 'graph_92';

Code: Select all

// Definition 'water' graph
blocks['graph_92'] = {
  devices: [92],
  title: 'water',
	custom : {
        "maand": {
            range: 'year',
			datasetColors: ['yellow'],
			graph: 'bar',
            filter: '1 months',
            data: {
                m3: 'd.v_92',
        "afgelopen jaar": {
			graph: 'bar',
			datasetColors: ['yellow'],
			range: 'year',
			groupBy: 'month',
			aggregate: 'sum',
            data: {
                m3: 'd.v_92',	
  	    "dag": {
			graph: 'bar',
		    datasetColors: ['yellow'],
            range: 'day',
			//filter: 'today',
            groupBy: 'hour',
			data: {
                m3: 'd.v_92',
waterverbruik.jpg (130.51 KiB) Viewed 1236 times
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