Domoticz crashes

For Evohome related questions in Domoticz

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Domoticz crashes

Post by roblom »

Today I was fiddling around with the Evohome app. I clicked on the "zone" that has "--" as a name and always stays on the same temp (I have no idea what this device is but it's there by default, see bottom left of the attached screenshot). In my case the temp was on 65 degrees. I was looking is it could be changed so tried to set it higher but as there was no temperature shown it was not clear the it did react. The strange thing is that when you click on the change field and set a "change to time" the temperature is changed but it's only possible to lose it. Normally when you click on the top of the screen the setpoint raises and if you click on the bottom of the screen the setpoint lowers. But for this "zone" it's only possible to set it lower so this is incorrect for sure. Of course this hasn't anything to do with Domoticz but it's an introduction to the following.
After changing this setpoint keeps crashing with the following error.

Error: Domoticz(pid:14120, tid:21047('Honeywell Evoho')) received fatal signal 6 (Aborted)
2021-04-06 22:05:36.605 Error: siginfo address=0x3728, address=(nil)

The problem is that I have no clue how to solve this. I can't set the setpoint back to what it was so the only thing I can do is turn of the Evohome hardware to prevent Domoticz crashes.
Last edited by roblom on Tuesday 06 April 2021 23:32, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by roblom »

Tried again today but still it crashes Domoticz. There was another error in the log.

2021-04-07 07:31:17.030 Status: (Honeywell Evohome) connect to Evohome server

2021-04-07 07:31:21.417 (Honeywell Evohome) fetch data from server

2021-04-07 07:31:22.663 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.7) Discarding device. No last update info found: {["timedOut"]=true, ["name"]="EH: zone 1", ["switchTypeValue"]=0, ["protected"]=false, ["lastUpdate"]="", ["lastLevel"]=255, ["batteryLevel"]=1419722392, ["switchType"]="On/Off", ["deviceType"]="Heating", ["iconNumber"]=24, ["id"]=1962, ["deviceID"]="", ["image"]="", ["rawData"]={"18.5", "20.5", "Auto", "2021-04-07T06:30:00Z"}, ["description"]="", ["signalLevel"]=2666244, ["changed"]=true, ["subType"]="Zone", ["baseType"]="device", ["data"]={["unit"]=1, ["hardwareType"]="Evohome via Web API", ["_nValue"]=0, ["until"]="2021-04-07T06:30:00Z", ["icon"]="override_mini", ["hardwareName"]="Honeywell Evohome", ["setPoint"]=20.5, ["hardwareTypeValue"]=75, ["hardwareID"]=0, ["protected"]=false, ["temperature"]=18.5, ["customImage"]=0, ["_state"]="18.5;20.5;Auto;2021-04-07T06:30:00Z"}}

2021-04-07 07:31:23.650 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.7) Discarding device. No last update info found: {["lastUpdate"]="", ["protected"]=false, ["deviceID"]="", ["timedOut"]=false, ["batteryLevel"]=1419722392, ["name"]="EH: zone 2", ["changed"]=true, ["id"]=1963, ["rawData"]={"20.5", "20.5", "Auto", "2021-04-07T06:30:00Z"}, ["data"]={["hardwareID"]=7894016, ["hardwareName"]="Honeywell Evohome", ["setPoint"]=20.5, ["until"]="2021-04-07T06:30:00Z", ["hardwareTypeValue"]=75, ["_nValue"]=0, ["protected"]=false, ["temperature"]=20.5, ["hardwareType"]="Evohome via Web API", ["_state"]="20.5;20.5;Auto;2021-04-07T06:30:00Z", ["unit"]=2, ["icon"]="override_mini", ["customImage"]=0}, ["switchType"]="On/Off", ["description"]="", ["image"]="", ["baseType"]="device", ["switchTypeValue"]=0, ["deviceType"]="Heating", ["signalLevel"]=2666244, ["iconNumber"]=168, ["lastLevel"]=255, ["subType"]="Zone"}

2021-04-07 07:31:24.645 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.7) Discarding device. No last update info found: {["lastLevel"]=255, ["name"]="EH: Woonkamer", ["deviceType"]="Heating", ["switchType"]="On/Off", ["signalLevel"]=2666244, ["iconNumber"]=184, ["protected"]=false, ["data"]={["until"]="2021-04-07T17:00:00Z", ["hardwareID"]=7894016, ["_nValue"]=0, ["icon"]="override_mini", ["protected"]=false, ["setPoint"]=21.0, ["hardwareType"]="Evohome via Web API", ["hardwareTypeValue"]=75, ["_state"]="20.5;21.0;Auto;2021-04-07T17:00:00Z", ["temperature"]=20.5, ["unit"]=3, ["hardwareName"]="Honeywell Evohome", ["customImage"]=0}, ["baseType"]="device", ["batteryLevel"]=1419722392, ["rawData"]={"20.5", "21.0", "Auto", "2021-04-07T17:00:00Z"}, ["switchTypeValue"]=0, ["id"]=1964, ["description"]="", ["deviceID"]="", ["lastUpdate"]="", ["subType"]="Zone", ["changed"]=true, ["timedOut"]=false, ["image"]=""}

2021-04-07 07:31:25.747 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.7) Discarding device. No last update info found: {["iconNumber"]=200, ["baseType"]="device", ["protected"]=false, ["image"]="", ["name"]="EH: Hal", ["id"]=1971, ["data"]={["temperature"]=22.0, ["protected"]=false, ["setPoint"]=21.5, ["hardwareName"]="Honeywell Evohome", ["hardwareTypeValue"]=75, ["hardwareType"]="Evohome via Web API", ["customImage"]=0, ["_state"]="22.0;21.5;Auto;2021-04-07T23:00:00Z", ["until"]="2021-04-07T23:00:00Z", ["unit"]=5, ["hardwareID"]=7894016, ["icon"]="override_mini", ["_nValue"]=0}, ["switchType"]="On/Off", ["changed"]=true, ["timedOut"]=false, ["lastUpdate"]="", ["deviceID"]="", ["switchTypeValue"]=0, ["subType"]="Zone", ["signalLevel"]=2666244, ["batteryLevel"]=1419722392, ["description"]="", ["rawData"]={"22.0", "21.5", "Auto", "2021-04-07T23:00:00Z"}, ["deviceType"]="Heating", ["lastLevel"]=255}

2021-04-07 07:31:26.515 Error: Domoticz(pid:21653, tid:5616('Honeywell Evoho')) received fatal signal 6 (Aborted)

2021-04-07 07:31:26.515 Error: siginfo address=0x5495, address=(nil)
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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by roblom »

Fixed it myself. The "ghost zone" seemed a known bug. This can be fixed by logging in into the Evohome website, copy the MAC and CRC, remove the system, wait a minute, then add the system again. The ghost zone is them gone and the Evohome connection to Domoticz works again without crashing.
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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by pvdgulik »

I do have same sort of error, although not for evohome, but for my CO2 meter.

2021-06-13 16:55:13.821 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.7) Discarding device. No last update info found: {["lastLevel"]=255, ["lastUpdate"]="", ["protected"]=false, ["name"]="Woonkamer 2", ["deviceID"]="", ["iconNumber"]=184, ["signalLevel"]=2686588, ["description"]="", ["switchType"]="On/Off", ["subType"]="Voltcraft CO-20", ["rawData"]={"489", "28.80", "8704.00"}, ["deviceType"]="Air Quality", ["baseType"]="device", ["batteryLevel"]=1769953912, ["data"]={["_state"]="489;28.80;8704.00", ["_nValue"]=0, ["hardwareID"]=7908956}, ["image"]="", ["changed"]=true, ["id"]=1479, ["switchTypeValue"]=0, ["timedOut"]=false}

Any help would be appreciated
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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by waaren »

pvdgulik wrote: Sunday 13 June 2021 17:04 I do have same sort of error, although not for evohome, but for my CO2 meter.
Any help would be appreciated
Fixed in V2021.1 build 13299
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by pvdgulik »

waaren wrote: Sunday 13 June 2021 17:58 Fixed in V2021.1 build 13299
Thanks Waaren, but I still have the same problem.

This is my Domoticz version info.

Version: 2021.1
Build Hash: 8547c5b7e
Compile Date: 2021-04-17 17:29:11
dzVents Version: 3.1.7
Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0]

When I check for updates, it says up-to-date.

Where do I find which build I’m using? And if nessesary, how to update to build 13299.

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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by jvdz »

Guess he is referring to the Beta version of Domoticz and you probably have the latest production version?
New Garbage collection scripts:
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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by FireWizard »

Hi, @pvdgulik

You wrote:
Where do I find which build I’m using? And if necessary, how to update to build 13299.
Go to Setup > About
There you will find a line "Version: 2021.1 (build 13360)" or any other number.

However, you will not find that build number, as you run the stable version and waaren points to a beta release.
The build number is only visible in the beta release.

If you want to see the changes in the various betas, look at: ... _-_Commits

How to get it?

Go to Setup > Settings > System Setup.

There you will find something like:

Screenshot_beta.png (37.29 KiB) Viewed 3301 times
Currently, the latest beta is build 13360.

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Re: Domoticz crashes

Post by pvdgulik »

FireWizard wrote: Saturday 24 July 2021 18:46
Go to Setup > About
There you will find a line "Version: 2021.1 (build 13360)" or any other number.
I knew that, but couldn’t find the build number, but this did the trick:
FireWizard wrote: Saturday 24 July 2021 18:46 The build number is only visible in the beta release.
I think about going to beta, I normally use the stable version. It would be beter if there where more updates in a year for bugfixes…
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