Hi all,
Maybe not in the correct topic so moderator feel free to replace it.
I am not the youngest person so my learningcurve isn’t that steep anymore.
Trying to flash tasmota by myself and somehow I was able to destroy a few sonoff switches including the flash adapter.
Getting to the point.
Is there someone (around Eindhoven) that is willing to flash some Sonoff devices for me or want to help me out by showing me the correct way. Preferable flash under windows but Raspi Linux will also do.
This does not have to be done “Free of charge” bit a reasonable price would be nice.
If you want to help out, I will bring the stuff to your homeaddress and will pick it up again. (Please no Fedex or DPD)
Thanks in advance.
Looking for “Flasher” tasmota
Moderator: leecollings
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