ESP8266 + BME280 to domoticz over JSON and HTTP

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ESP8266 + BME280 to domoticz over JSON and HTTP

Post by svd71 »

Hi all,
I made a sensor based on the BME280 and tried to translate it data via moscquitto-brocker:

mosquitto_pub -h -t 'domoticz/in' -m '{"idx":"8","nvalue":"0","svalue":"22;0;60;0;820;0"}'


what is wrong?


Trying to send data via HTTP with description from domoticz-wiki:


can someone explain me, what I did wrong?

Thank you for any advise.
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Re: ESP8266 + BME280 to domoticz over JSON and HTTP

Post by waaren »

svd71 wrote: Thursday 11 March 2021 13:30 can someone explain me, what I did wrong?
Mind the quotes..

The mosquitto command should be

Code: Select all

mosquitto_pub -h -t 'domoticz/in' -m '{"idx":8,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"22;0;60;0;820;0"}'
and the curl

Code: Select all

curl ""
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Re: ESP8266 + BME280 to domoticz over JSON and HTTP

Post by svd71 »

Thank you very mucht. The json is worked fine. What about "a nil value (field '?')" in the log?


And HTTP did not help:
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Re: ESP8266 + BME280 to domoticz over JSON and HTTP

Post by waaren »

svd71 wrote: Thursday 11 March 2021 14:55 Thank you very much. The json is worked fine. What about "a nil value (field '?')" in the log?
the nil value message comes from one of your Lua or Blockly scripts hard to tell what causes this without the script code.

And HTTP did not help:
You (again) forgot the quotes around the http string.

Please post your log / results as text and not as pictures. Thx !
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