Tempsetting in android app gives wrong valeu.

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Joined: Sunday 24 November 2019 16:06
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Tempsetting in android app gives wrong valeu.

Post by Zachtstaart2002 »

If i set the device to 21,5 degrees and go back to the previus screen its ok. If i then go back to set screen it is missing the 0,5 degree and shows 21 degree instead of 21,5 degree. If i then go back again to de previus screen its back to 21 degree and adjusted thus the setting.
215_Domoticz.jpg (75.14 KiB) Viewed 1546 times
This shows it is set to 21,5.

Open the setting screen is missing the ,5 and shows 21 degree.
210_Domoticz.jpg (54.65 KiB) Viewed 1546 times
Is this a bug in the app?
I have domoticz android app version 0.2.295 (8406)
And Domoticz version 2020.2 on pi
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