Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

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Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by Lokonli »

Currently I'm updating the weather block.

I'm testing it with the OpenWeatherMap api.

If someone still is using the WeatherUnderground api, please let me know within a few days.

Without reply I'll start removing the WeatherUnderground functionality.
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Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by kiddigital »

The updated OWM module in the Domoticz Beta already uses the new OneAPI of OpenWeatherMap and the JSON command ‘getforecastconfig’ can return probably most information you need for your block config (like APIkey and location). This way users can use OWM in both Domoticz and Dashticz and only have to configure it once.

And No, I don’t use Weather Underground anymore
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Re: Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by EdwinK »

edit: Sorry, I mixed those two up. I don't use WU anymore. Only OWM through the domoticz interface.
Last edited by EdwinK on Saturday 27 February 2021 9:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by madpatrick »

I don't use the WU plugin.
The OWM module is working for me sufficient.
Updating of the OWM information would nice without reloading Dashticz
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Re: Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by GeyerA »

Hi, I still use but not too happy since the forecast does not work. I do run an own PWS and supply the data to WU so I also got a working API. Anyhow, I would not be unhappy if you stopped providing this plugin. I can switch too.
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Re: Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by HansOtten »

I am using Weather Underground, and it will be the only way my weather station will be accessible in Domoticz. One of the reasons I started using Domoticz and will be a real loss for me. So please keep it!
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Re: Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by Lokonli »

HansOtten wrote: Friday 30 April 2021 8:52 I am using Weather Underground, and it will be the only way my weather station will be accessible in Domoticz. One of the reasons I started using Domoticz and will be a real loss for me. So please keep it!
ok, I'll keep Weather Underground as well.
However, I can't test, since I don't have a working API key.

Is the block still working?
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Re: Dashticz: Weather Underground still used?

Post by nfuse »

i know it is an old thread but didn't wanted to start a new one.

For everyone who is wondering why as per yesterday underground weather stopped working:

After investigating the problem it looks like underground changed the api access it is now only possible to get an api key if you have your own weather station and it is registered.

i changed my owm_api to weeronline https://weerlive.nl/api/toegang/index.php
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