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Consulting databases

Posted: Friday 19 February 2021 11:40
by Mathiasdb
Hi guys,

Can I consult databases of components like:
P1-port (el and Gas)
Z-wave powerswitch

I would like to export and back-up them.
If possible do some calculations in excell.

Thank you!


Re: Consulting databases

Posted: Friday 19 February 2021 12:30
by erem
well, try an sqlite odbc driver....
here is one:

Re: Consulting databases

Posted: Friday 19 February 2021 13:21
by waltervl
Perhaps you do not know but is is also possible to export the data in excel through the report function
1. click on Log button on the device
2. On the (for example) year graph click in menu item-download CSV.

It is also possible to click on the report button and download more data from earlier years.

But if you want to download all data you will have to go @erems way.