Denkovi DAEnetIP2 LM35 sensor

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Denkovi DAEnetIP2 LM35 sensor

Post by lkostel »

Hi everyone.
I was wondering if someone could help me. I am new to Domoticz home automation system. I recently bought a denkovi board DAEnetIP2 v2 and the board has 8 analog inputs for temperature sensors and various other sensors. I am using LM35DZ temperature sensor as specified by the manufacturer. When I try to convert data from analog pin directly trough the firmware to the temperature, works great. But it is not possible to do that directly in Domoticz. It only shows values between 0 - 1024 ( as it supposed to ). I was wondering if someone has a script example how to convert that reading values from analog pin to the temperature so I can see it on my Dashboard. Can it be done directly on that particular analog pin or do I have to create virtual sensor and convert reading from analog input to the temperature? I tried various examples so far but none of them works. Domoticz system run on my Synology.
Thank you.
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