(TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by sincze »

Calzor Suzay wrote:Maybe my original antenna is badly placed and this just improved it then.

I have it at the back of the house in the lounge where Raspberry Pi is plugged into the TV, I could get most stuff except the Garage (separate building) struggled to pick up motion sensor and I could never get sensor at the top of the stairs. It all seems to pick up fine now. I was a bit sceptical at first as the aerial is tiny, not much more than the original but (touch wood) seems to work ok so far :)

BTW my house is thick solid brick built, even internal walls.
Same here. I tried another antenna as well but this aerial is just better.
Maybe 5db would cover everything a little more but this is now working.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by ny-hardcore »

i bought this yesterday, hope it works....
http://www.ebay.com/itm/251702841735?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by Calzor Suzay »

Looks pretty much the same, it isn't much bigger than the original but does seem to have a better range for me.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by Calzor Suzay »

FYI I think the cable from the RFX to aerial itself plays a part in the signal.
I originally had it just loose in a circle between the RFX and aerial and decided to tidy it up so it wasn't loose.
I then started to see dropouts to the far items so made it loose in a loop once again.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by niclasf »

Calzor Suzay wrote:FYI I think the cable from the RFX to aerial itself plays a part in the signal.
I originally had it just loose in a circle between the RFX and aerial and decided to tidy it up so it wasn't loose.
I then started to see dropouts to the far items so made it loose in a loop once again.
I think it is rather the USB-cable that acts as an extended ground plane. The cable from rfxtrx433 to antenna is shielded an is thus not to be seen as an antenna.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by Calzor Suzay »

Well that's what I fiddled with and no it works better :)
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by remb0 »

Bliek I bought the same antenna as you but the numbers (of all my devices) are not different.
I have the cable and antenna in my corridor almost 15 cm from a kaku device in the wall, but no improvements.

any tips?
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by mbliek »

That's weird. At all of my devices it increased at least 2 numbers up.

What number are they now? Maybe your already on the maximum? That's what I would expect with just 15 cm away.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by remb0 »

The only reason I bought this antenna is to boost it so i can control my garden lights.
Now that lights are 15 meters away. and I have sliding doors that blocks wifi and 433. If this door is open rfxcom can control the lights. (on for sure but off is most of the time a problem)
But Tuin gets a 7 ? and gang keuken and wc are much more nearby and gets also a 7.

I don't understand.

Code: Select all

212	RFX	08EC1B6	9	Tuin	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
53	RFX	210E	1	Badkamer	Temp + Humidity	Cresta, TFA TS34C	17.8 C, 57 %	7
31	RFX	096182A	10	Schuifpui	Lighting 2	AC	Closed	5
57	PiFace	103	0	Water	RFXMeter	RFXMeter counter	53.33 m3	12
11	RFX	0A2FEA6	12	slaapkamer	Lighting 2	AC	Off	6
26	RFX	059EDF2	12	Eet tafel	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
14	RFX	0A12D2E	11	Lamp_achter_buiten	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
30	RFX	059EDF2	11	Keuken	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
47	RFX	l09A0FD2	10	WC	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
46	RFX	082B616	11	Overloop	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
12	RFX	082B616	12	Gang	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
291	RFX	08EC1B6	1	Unknown	Lighting 2	AC	On, Level: 100 %	5
136	RFX	08EC1B6	8	Salontafel	Lighting 2	AC	Off	6
292	RFX	08EC1B6	7	Unknown	Lighting 2	AC	Off	6
226	RFX	H	10	PingPI	Lighting 1	X10	Off	7
130	RFX	9	1	xbmc-PI-plug	Lighting 2	AC	Off	7
56	RFX	0A2FEA6	11	xbmc-PI	Lighting 2	AC	Off	6
128	RFX	0CE9B76	12	Deurbel	Lighting 2	AC	On, Level: 100 %	7
287	RFX	75551	2	deurke	Lighting 5	BBSB new	Closed	7
132	RFX	041EE0B	1	Switch oplader tv	Lighting 2	AC	On	7
40	RFX	041EE0B	3	Ventilator	Lighting 2	AC	Off, Level: 100 %	7
125	RFX	10000	1	Zonnescherm	RFY	RFY	Open	7
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by ThinkPad »

I think receivers always will get a 7, because they only do what their name says: receive signals. The RFXCOM just broadcasts the signal, and if a module picks it up: nice.. If it doesn't: RFXCOM doesn't care.

So you can only see if a bigger antenna has effect by looking at the signal quality of devices that transmit signals to the RFXCOM. Or if you have a light in the back of your garden that doesn't work with the stock antenna, but does with a bigger antenna on the RFXCOM.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by markk »

I've noticed a difference since I bought this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251702841735?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT

I haven't checked signal data but I have a light in a shed at the end of my garden which was hit and miss with the stock antenna and yet worked every time since I changed it for this one just before xmas.
Running Domoticz on Pi3 with RFXtrx433e. LWRF power sockets and dimmer switches. Integrated my existing wirefree alarm PIRs and door contacts with domoticz. Geofencing with Pilot. Harmony Hub. Tado for Heating. Now playing with mysensors.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by olleman »


Just my two cents. I bought this one http://m.ebay.com/itm/191458437272?_mwBanner=1

And I can't say it made any difference at all...

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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by marin849 »

I tried 3 different ebay-antennas (two with magnetic base and one patch antenna) but then I bought this one, which really beats them all: http://www.conrad.com/ce/en/product/190 ... -Radio-Kit
With this antenna I receive all my temperature sensors perfectly. Some of the most distant switches were still unreliable though.

So what finally solved my last problem was to add 17 cm of thin solid wire as antenna on three of my most distant receivers. I just let the wire (isolated) hang straight out of the receiver. These are now working 100%!
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by Kouseri »

I bought this antenna from Ebay and it looks like it's working much better compared to the original antenna from coverage point of view.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by Moberon »

marin849 wrote:I tried 3 different ebay-antennas (two with magnetic base and one patch antenna) but then I bought this one, which really beats them all: http://www.conrad.com/ce/en/product/190 ... -Radio-Kit
.... These are now working 100%!
I can understand that this antenna will be working well. The same as a replay before the design of the antenna is very impartant. The other (all coming for low prices from China) will maybe incease a little bit but if you've got the possibility I recon go for the above!

Be aware, there is no information about the gain of the antenna but I am quite positieve that this antenna will give some boost to the (transmitted) signal. In the Netherlands at leat a increase in transmit power illegal.. :shock: (As stated in the Domoticz manual ofcourse..)
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by thebeetleuk »

vmb wrote:
kimhav wrote:Well, I got one of these antennas from ebay; http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Antenna-433 ... netic-base:

Any experiences yet? Noticed any improvements?

Hi All,

Just wanted to report back that I got one of these yesterday and I can see a marked improvement. I'd love to share figures if I had any but I do notice my temperature sensors all receive data all the time now. Previously it was quite intermittent with some of the ones further away in the house.

Good luck!
My Setup: Pi, RFXtrx433, HomeEasy: 13 Dimmers & 4 Sockets, 2 motion-sensors, 3 magnetic switches, 1 OWL Electricity Sensor, 3 Oregon Temp Sensor.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by BigDog »


i have ordered also one from alibaba
sometimes the temrature sensor @ my 2e floor isnt reseaved for 2 hours
hope this helps :)

wil report back when i have it :)
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by BigDog »

great antenna! have connected it to the RFXcom and indeed better reception the temp sensor @ the 2e floor is also comming in every time before it was 1 time a 2 a 3 hours now it come in everytime :)

thanks for the tip
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by thebeetleuk »

My Setup: Pi, RFXtrx433, HomeEasy: 13 Dimmers & 4 Sockets, 2 motion-sensors, 3 magnetic switches, 1 OWL Electricity Sensor, 3 Oregon Temp Sensor.
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Re: (TIP) Increase reception RFXcom433

Post by sincze »

Works like a charm!
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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