Old trick to slightly improve reception&transmission.
Make a 'curl' of electrical installationwire with a straight section corresponding to wavelength.
Put it over the original antenna like shown on the picture [showing a TFA_Nexus PWS-console].
Principle of operation is inductive coupling between the add-on antenna and the original antenna of the receiver/transmitter.

- Antenna extension for Nexus-Console/RFXCom
- IMG-20141227-00411 (Small).jpg (25.18 KiB) Viewed 10003 times

No-cost solution, therefore always worth a try.
In this way I got better reception for my Nexus-Console for its wireless meteo-sensor-signals.
When increasing antenna-gain, mutual positions of equipments however sometimes become (more) critical.
When trying it for my RFXCom, for my setup with RFXCom and Nexus-PWS this solution was even too powerful:

with the antenna-extension the RFXCom-transmissions blasted too much power towards the near 'extended' Nexus-Console, 'confusing/blocking' the Nexus-Console .....
Therefore at my place now only a 'curl' at the Nexus-Console and not at the RFXCom.
;-( Always those compromises .......